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錢謙益《楞嚴經疏解蒙鈔》的注經理念與思想要義=Qian Qian-Yi’s Commentary on the Surangama Sutra: Views on Annotation and Main Ideas |
著者 |
釋香率 (著)
出版年月日 | 2018.07 |
ページ | 197 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立臺灣大學 |
学部・学科名 | 中國文學研究所 |
指導教官 | 曹淑娟 |
卒業年 | 107 |
キーワード | 錢謙益=Qian Qian-yi; 楞嚴經=Surangama Sutra; 疏解蒙鈔=Inquiring Commentary; 古今疏解品目=Commentaries of the Past and Present; 諮決疑義十科=Counseling to Resolve Ten Doubts |
抄録 | 晚明時期,《楞嚴經》於僧俗之間皆相當流行,注解層見疊出。其時天台宗的《楞嚴經會解》盛行已久,後有交光真鑑《正脈疏》力駁其說,風行一時,復引起幽溪傳燈(1554-1628)等天台後人的強力批評。至清朝初年,著名文人錢謙益(字受之,號牧齋,1582-1664)又累積多年之功,於晚年著成《楞嚴經疏解蒙鈔》。其中原因,除了有感前代注疏諍論不休,而欲合會諸說以外,也是其提倡經教等佛教理念的實踐。因此,《楞嚴蒙鈔》對於了解《楞嚴經》的疏解歷史及錢氏的佛學思想,皆是相當重要的材料,但現有研究尚未有較為深入的探討。
In the late Ming Dynasty, the Surangama Sutra was very popular. Many monks and lay Buddhists wrote commentaries on the Sutra. At that time, the best known annotation was the Combined Commentaries (huijie 會解), which promotes the thought of the Tiantai school. Then, Jiaoguang Zhenjian (交光真鑑) disagreed with it, and wrote the Text-based Commentary (zhengmai shu 正脈疏), which was both famous and controversial. Youxi Chuandeng (幽溪傳燈), a monk of the Tiantai school, wrote the Enlightenment-based Commentary (yuantong shu 圓通疏) to oppose to Jiaoguang’s opinion. Afterwards, in the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, one of the leading literati, Qian Qian-yi (錢謙益, 1582-1664), spent many years to complete his Inquiring Commentary (shujie mengchao 疏解蒙鈔) on the sutra. The reason for doing so was that he hoped to reconcile the dispute over the interpretation of the sutra, and to practice his idea of advocating the reading of Buddhist texts. Thus, this Commentary was important for understanding both the history of the sutra’s annotations and Qian’s ideas on Buddhism. However, it hasn’t been thoroughly looked into in previous studies. This paper first investigate why Qian wrote this commentary, how he did this, and how many editions have been published. Then, Qian’s views on annotation will be discussed. The “Commentaries of the Past and Present” (gujin shujie pinmu 古今疏解 品目) chapter shows Qian’s knowledge of a large number of commentaries on the sutra. He analyzes how the commentaries relate to each other, and gives evaluation to each one. He disagrees with how Tiantai disciples interpreted the sutra, and decides to compose his work based on the commentary by Changshui (長水), which he considers to be the best among all. He goes on to conclude that, overall, Commentaries of the past are better than those of the present, and should be adopted first. On the issue of classifying the teaching of this sutra, people from different schools contradict each other. Qian chooses to discuss “when the sutra was said” and “how its teaching should be classified” separately. His conclusion doesn’t fit with any school’s division, but is based completely on the sutra itself. As for the main ideas of Qian’s Commentary, this paper focuses mainly on the chapter of “Counseling to Resolve Ten Doubts” (Zijue Yiyi Shike 諮決疑義十科). Qian’s response to Tiantai and Jiaoguang’s commentaries is mainly expressed in the idea of “General and particular doctrines” (famen zongbie 法門總別). He argues that in this sutra, the “general doctrine” is the “Supreme Surangama Samadhi”, while the “elementary steps that lead to attainment” is “Samatha.” His view differs from Tiantai disciples and Jiaoguang—they both emphasize the explanation of “samatha, samapatti and dhyana.” Qian’s view on Buddhism is shown in his discussion of the “Meditation on the organ of hearing.” He explains that, because the organ of hearing can accept vocal teaching, it’s the basis of all other ways of meditation. Thus, the vocal teaching and written texts should be valued. He also claims that this way of meditation is not for everyman, who should start with the “Three Gradual St |
目次 | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 《楞嚴經疏解蒙鈔〉的名稱與內容橛要 5 第三節 前行硏究成果回顧 10 (一)晚明佛教與《楞嚴經〉的注疏 10 (二) 錢謙益的佛教信仰與《楞嚴蒙鈔〉 14 第四節 研究方法說明 17 (一)研究材料 17 (二)章節安排與研究策略 17 第二章 錢謙益與(楞嚴蒙鈔) 21 第一節 錢謙益的佛教信仰 21 (一)奉佛背景及理念 21 (二)佛教著作的編撰 24 第二節《蒙鈔〉的撰作動機 27 (一)自身經歷 27 (二)時代背景 29 第三節 撰作過程 32 (一)〈後記〉所載重要年月 32 (二)注經過程 33 (三)與法門師友之交流 36 (四)由完稿至刊刻 55 第四節 流通版本與入藏情形 58 (一)順治本(《嘉興藏)本) 58 (二)和刻本及《己續藏)本 64 (三)《清藏)本 66 (四)光緒重刊本 71 (五)現存手稿本 74 第五節 後人評價概述 77 第三章 《蒙鈔》的注經理念 81 第一節 注解方式與特色 81 第二節 古今得失的衡定 84 (一)〈古今疏解品目〉的體例與價值 84 (二) 〈古今疏解品目〉對歷代疏解的整理 87 (三) 對古今注家的評論 99 第三節 宗派思椇的影響 104 (一) 以華嚴祖師為注經典範 104 (二) 以華嚴義理為究竟之教 107 第四節 判教問題的釐清 109 (一) 判定説時 110 (二)判定教義 113 第四章<蒙鈔>,的思想要義 119 第一節「法門總別」與「最初方便」 119 (一)台家注解與交光 《正脈》的過失 120 (ニ) 以「三摩提」為總相法門 128 (三)以「奢摩他」為最初方便 139 第二節「耳根圖通」奥「修行漸次」 147 (一) 觀音圓通之殊勝在於「音聲教體」 147 (二)凡夫須藉「三漸次行」起始修習 157 第三節「當機權實」與「人天行位」 166 (一)阿難墮淫的解讀 :「當機權實」 166 (二) 人天二界之修持:「人天行位」 168 第五章 結論 173 參考文獻 181 附錄 1《楞嚴蒙鈔》三種版本分卷對照表 193. 附錄 2(楞嚴蒙鈔》現存版本概況 197
DOI | 10.6342/NTU201803198 |
ヒット数 | 215 |
作成日 | 2022.09.15 |
更新日期 | 2022.09.15 |
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