

寺廟與地方社會發展—以桃園市八德區三元宮為例=Temples and Development of Local Community: Take Sanyuan Temple in Bade District of Taoyuan City as an example
著者 周偉群 (著)=Chou, Wei-Chun (au.)
出版サイト https://www.yzu.edu.tw/index.php/tw/
出版地桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード寺廟=temple; 地方社會=local society; 三元宮=the Sanyuan Temple; 祭祀圈=religious sphere

The aim of this study is to investigate the relations between temples and the development of local societies, and the Sanyuan Temple in Bade District was selected as the primary research subject. This temple is located right next to the Bade District Civil Affair Office, and is central to local residents’ religious beliefs. According to historic records, it was first built during the Qianlong period in the Chin Dynasty, and was later rebuilt in Da-Cheng 14 (1925 AD); it is also the oldest temple in Bade District. The three holy spirits (gods) worshiped in the Sanyuan Temple are the god of heaven, the god of earth, and the god of water, the three gods (also called Yuans) formed the name of the temple. The religious sphere of the Sanyuan Temple are primarily from areas used to be called "Peh-Te-Tshu" and "Xia-Zhuang-Zi" in the Peh-Te-Zhuang period. The above two areas cover Xing-Ren Village and 10 other villages in today’s Bade District. Temples played a critical role in Taiwan’s history, because our forefathers crossed the Taiwan Strait to come to Taiwan, risking their lives in the process, they needed mental support and spiritual comfort. Temples were also of significant historic importance during the immigration and exploration periods, they not only served as centers of local religious belief, they were closely related to ethnic groups, politics, local economy, social education and cultural development as well.

The Sanyuan Temple and the development of local societies in Bade District are also related in the same manner, because various religious activities are capable of forming cohesion among ethnic groups and promoting local economy. Two prominent local families, the Chu’s and the Lu’s, successfully accumulated symbolic capital, expanded and retained personal and family wealth and power by way of supporting and participating temple affairs, and had therefore generated far-reaching influences. In addition, temples become political figures’ wrestling grounds in election years; candidates tend to think they could earn voters’ approval by participating Sanyuan Temple’s religious activities, and thus making the relation between the Sanyuan Temple and local politics mutually beneficial. Furthermore, besides being a worshiping place, the Sanyuan Temple also serves as a public space where local residents gather and interact with each other; its functions include not only passing down religious beliefs, but also holding activities such as charity events, religious celebrations, traditional architecture and decorative arts appreciation, and so on. All of the above functions are related to social and cultural education, and they all convey the moral concept of rewarding the good and punishing the evil to the worshipers in a subtle fashion.

Since the Sanyuan Temple has a very long history, the author hopes that this study could provide suggestions related to cultural heritage and preservation of history for local governments, the Sanyuan Temple, as well as subsequent researchers.
目次書頁名 ⅰ
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中文摘要 ⅲ
英文摘要 ⅳ
誌謝 ⅵ
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表目錄 ⅸ
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 文獻回顧與名詞釋義 7
第三節 研究流程、架構與方法 46
第四節 研究範圍、限制與章節安排 54
第二章 理論探討 59
第一節 宗教相關理論 59
第二節 寺廟發展與祭祀圈理論 71
第三節 族群與地方菁英理論 86
第三章 八德地區的移墾與三元宮的建立 93
第一節 八德地區的自然與人文 93
第二節 三元宮之創建與沿革 130
第三節 三元宮祭祀圈範圍 151
第四章 研究結果與分析 173
第一節 三元宮與八德地區族群發展之分析 173
第二節 三元宮與八德地區政治發展之分析 182
第三節 三元宮與八德地區經濟發展之分析 203
第四節 三元宮與八德地區社教文化發展之分析 218
第五章 結論與建議 231
第一節 研究結論與發現 231
第二節 研究建議 249
參考文獻 257
附錄一:訪談大綱 274
附錄二:辦理寺廟登記須知 277
附錄三:監督寺廟條例 279
附錄四:八德三元宮組織章程 280

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