清代噶瑪蘭寺廟興建與市街形成──以寺廟為核心=Temple Construction and Township Streets’ Formation in Qing Dynasty: Case Study of Temples in Kavalan |
著者 |
黃學文 (著)=Huang, Shiue-Wen (au.)
出版年月日 | 2018 |
ページ | 359 |
出版者 | 中國文化大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 博士 |
学校 | 中國文化大學 |
学部・学科名 | 史學系 |
指導教官 | 陳清香 |
卒業年 | 106 |
キーワード | 清代文物=Cultural relic of the Qing Dynasty; 噶瑪蘭=Kavalan; 寺廟=Temple; 市街=City’s street |
抄録 | 自清嘉慶年間以降,漢人聚落陸續出現於噶瑪蘭,漢移民依據各自的需求來興建各種類型的寺廟,特別是在經濟發展到一定程度聚落形成了市街,市街內的寺廟往往也會因此香火鼎盛。那究竟是寺廟帶動了市街的發展,或是因市街的興盛,為了酬神而出現寺廟,又或是市街與寺廟同時出現?因此,本文為了探究清代噶瑪蘭寺廟與市街的相互關係,便將寺廟為視為核心觀點,藉由相關文獻考察分析與田野調查,進而爬梳出市街與寺廟之間的關係。因此,本文提出以下觀點: 第一點,從自然環境條件與傳世文獻去觀察了清代噶瑪蘭七個市街與寺廟,發現每一個市街其發展模式不盡相同,有的是市街發展之後,進而帶動寺廟香火鼎盛;有的是以寺廟為聚落中心,來吸引人潮,進而帶動市街的繁華。顯見,即使處於同一個噶瑪蘭的地域中,各個市街也會因其自然環境與開發順序先後等因素,呈現出多元並立的發展情況。 第二點,以市街的寺廟進行個案的研究,無論是主祀神祇的選擇與改變,或是廟中所流傳的文物、碑匾,都反映了寺廟與市街發展是息息相關。另一方面,也從廟中所流傳的文物、碑匾中發現,往往寺廟為了彰顯自身寺廟歷史悠久,來作為對信徒的號召,往往就會出現了不少後世仿作或拼作之物,也讓研究者往往不知所措。 第三點,從清代噶瑪蘭的寺廟創建年代以及對其主祀神祇,進行統計與分析。佐證了漢人的開墾到哪裡,寺廟便出現在那處。從主祀神祇來看,待聚落穩定成型之後,特別是商業發展之後,主祀神祇也會出現不一樣的職能來服務信眾。
Since the period that Emperor Jiaqing enthroned the Qing Dynasty, Han Chinese settlements had boomed in Kavalan one after another. Han immigrants had built diverse types of temples according to their various needs. Especially for local towns with economic growth, they usually accompanied with rapid expansion of in-town streets, leading to advancement of temples in the neighborhood. However, researchers invariably bear the question about the relationship between temples and local streets. Were the emergence of temples, with purpose of gods’ worshiping, the motivation for blossom of local streets, or vice versa? Another argument even claims that temples and local streets appeared at the same time but developed reciprocally. From that, this dissertation is a case study of local temples in Kavalan under the reign of Qing dynasty. By reviewing and analyzing related literature and conducting field works, this research hopes to sort out mutual relationship of temples and streets in Kavalan and to conclude it in religious, social and economic aspects. The main points of this dissertation list below: In the first place, the natural environments combined with the study of bequeathed literatures show that there were seven locations in Kavalan with the phenomenon of co-existence of flourishing streets and popular temples. However, each model developed differently. Some models witnessed specific streets be expanded first and the rise of population, followed by construction of temples to utilize the populace. Some cases revealed that temples in certain streets drove a large number of religious followers that eventually promoted the development of streets nearby. Obviously, the diverse models of case study in Kavalan showed the result that the relationship between temples and local streets were highly influenced by a combination of natural, religious, social and economic factors. Secondly, temple itself includes a wide range of topics. No matter about the decision of certain pieties or change of the main worship of the gods, as well as substantial items, such as cultural relics, monuments and plaques, in the temples all contributed to self-developing pattern that temples and neighboring streets were able to take advantage. In addition, temple’s bequeathed cultural relics, monuments and plaques also was hidden with flaws in a possible way. Some temples, in order to highlight the value of long history or to increase the attraction for followers, intentionally fabricated related buildings, documents and items. These misdeeds that some temples’ managers conducted easily made researchers and popular people confused. Thirdly, Qing’s official statistics of temples building years and patterns of worshiping gods confirmed the idea that the expansion of Han settlements corroborated with relevant temples. Once a new town was built, temples’ establishment followed in the adjacent areas. Historical evidences also show that the main worship of the gods could have different functions to serve the believers once the settlements, particularly with niches of economic stability, were firmly anchored. |
目次 | 第一章 緒 言 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究回顧 4 第三節 研究主題、範圍與架構 15 第四節 研究方法與資料 17 第二章 噶瑪蘭自然環境與人文背景 19 第一節 位置與範圍 19 第二節 自然環境 22 第三節 人文背景 35 小結 59 第三章 噶瑪蘭商業市街發展與寺廟關係 61 第一節 交通網絡的出現 61 第二節 市場圈之形成 73 第三節 市街發展與寺廟關係 92 小結 104 第四章 溪北市街及其主要寺廟 105 第一節 頭圍街主要寺廟 105 第二節 礁溪街主要寺廟 128 第三節 三結街主要寺廟 133 小結 174 第五章 溪南市街及其主要寺廟 175 第一節 羅東街主要寺廟 175 第二節 利澤簡街主要寺廟 190 第三節 冬瓜山街主要寺廟 197 第四節 蘇澳街主要寺廟 200 小結 207 第六章 噶瑪蘭寺廟的年代分期、地域、主祀神祇分布 209 第一節 寺廟創建分期的樣貌 209 第二節 地域分佈樣貌 251 第三節 主神分佈樣貌 271 小結 282 第七章 結 論 283 附表一:噶瑪蘭大事紀 291 附表二:清代噶瑪蘭寺廟綜覽表 315 參考書目 325
ヒット数 | 353 |
作成日 | 2022.09.28 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.05 |

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