法鼓聖嚴於天台教觀思想之融會研究──以心靈環保為主=Research on Master Sheng-Yen’s Integration of Tiantai Thought ——Give priority to The Environmental Protection of the Mindv |
著者 |
高子貽 =Kao, Tze-Yi
出版年月日 | 2019 |
ページ | 81 |
出版者 | 法鼓文理學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 法鼓文理學院 |
学部・学科名 | 佛教學系 |
指導教官 | 施凱華 |
卒業年 | 107 |
キーワード | 心靈環保=Master Sheng Yen; 聖嚴法師=tathā; 如來藏=gata-garbha; 法鼓山=Dharma Drum Mountain; 人間淨土=Environmental Conservation of the Mind |
抄録 | 本論文之主要探討焦點為聖嚴法師「天台教觀思想融會」以心靈環保為核心思想與具體的實踐內容及方法。心靈環保可說是法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師全部思想的主軸,聖嚴法師的心靈環保運動致力於推廣淨化人心、淨化社會的目標,實現「提昇人的品質,建設人間淨土」,也就是以淨化人心、淨化社會,讓人人都能過著健康、快樂、平安自在的人間淨土生活。法師曾說;他對天台宗所倡導的教觀並重、止觀雙運,非常嚮往。因為這是教理和禪觀相輔相成,也是今日佛教需要的一種精神。筆者選擇以天台學著手,作為研究聖嚴法師思想的主題。 本論文一開始先探討聖嚴法師的教判思想背景,追溯其以如來藏信仰蘊釀推動人間淨土建設的時空背景。研讀聖嚴法師《法鼓全集》,藉由檢索分析、梳理出涵融於各主要著作中有關「天台思想」的意義,並研擬出「聖嚴法師於天台教觀思想之融會」,其脈絡、理念與實踐的內容。接著探討聖嚴法師如何將禪修的觀念和方法融入實踐悲智雙運的心靈環保中。最後,歸納出心靈環保所呈現的新意義;聖嚴法師推動心靈環保運動的影響和創新之觀念及做法為總結。
This essay describes the opinion of Environmental Conservation of the Mind, the core values of the Integration of Tiantai Thought made by Master Sheng-Yan and discusses the specific content and practices. Master Sheng-Yan, the founder of Dharma Drum Mountain, regarded the mental environment as the main point. In order to realize the dream of improving the quality of life and construct a pure land on earth, which means all people in the world could live a healthy, joyful and peaceful life, Master Sheng-Yan was mainly aiming to purify society by helping people to purify their minds. He had said that he was really yearning for Unification with Compassion and Wisdom and Unification with śamatha-vipaśyanā, which were promoted by Tiantai school. The reason was that both doctrine and vipaśyanā play important roles, fulfilling separate but complementary needs, which was also a kind of spirit that Buddhism needs nowadays. The author will begin with the Tiantai school as the theme of studying the thought of Master Sheng-Yan. At the beginning of this essay, the author discusses the doctrinal classification of Buddhist teaching background of Master Sheng-Yan, tracing back the time which he promoted the construction of pure land on earth in the name of Tathagata-Garbha. After studying the Complete Works of the Drums written by Master Sheng-Yan, searching and analyzing the information, the author summarizes the meaning of Tiantai Thought in various representative works. Also, the author drafts the thread of thought, opinion and practice of Integration of Tiantai Thought in the research, and then describes and discusses the way which Master Sheng-Yan mixed the concept and methods of vipaśyanā into Environmental Protection of the Mind. Eventually, the author concludes the innovative concept and influence of Environmental Protection of the Mind made by Master Sheng-Yan and represents the new meaning of it. |
目次 | 第一章 緒論 5 第一節 研究動機與目的 5 第二節 研究範圍與方法 7 第三節 文獻回顧 9 第二章 聖嚴法師心靈環保與天台智顗的教判 16 第一節 聖嚴之天台教判觀 16 第二節 心靈環保於天台圓教之融會 32 第三節 小結 36 第三章 聖嚴法師心靈環保與天台智顗的禪觀 38 第一節 聖嚴之天台禪觀思想 38 第二節 心靈環保於天台禪觀之融會 48 第三節 小結 54 第四章 聖嚴法師心靈環保與天台智顗的唯心淨土觀 55 第一節 聖嚴之天台淨土觀 55 第二節 心靈環保於天台淨土觀之融會 61 第三節 小結 70 第五章 結論 71 參考文獻 75 |
ヒット数 | 393 |
作成日 | 2022.09.28 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.07 |

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