

佛教思想對西方「靈性」理論的影響 -以 Ken Wilber《意識光譜》為例
著者 釋天宏 (著)
掲載誌 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第33屆)
ページ1 - 18
出版サイト http://www.ykbi.edu.tw
出版地桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
キーワード靈性學說=Spirituality doctrine; 肯‧威爾伯(Ken Wilber)= Ken Wilber; 意識光譜=spectrum of consciousness; 超個人心理學=transpersonal psychology; 佛教思想=Buddhist thought
抄録近十多年來,許多學者以結構主義的概念,試圖將人的存在分為四個層面:生物層面、心理層面、社會層面、靈性層面。其中的生物層面、心理層面、靈性層面,也就是一般俗稱的「身、心、靈」,其中,靈性層面是人的存在中,最為核心的一個部分。而在西方的靈性理論中,其中值得被注意的領域便是「超個人心理學」(transpersonal psychology)的領域。「超個人心理學」(transpersonal psychology) 為繼馬斯洛開創「人本主義心理學」之後,又稱為心理學的「第四勢力」。是 20 世紀 60 年代末 70 年代初,由馬斯洛(A.H .Maslow)、薩蒂奇(A.J.Sutich)等人,吸收道教、佛教、禪宗、瑜伽等傳統東方文明成果之後,建立的一種融合東、西方精神理論的當代心理學流派。其主要研究對象主要為人類內在精神領域和信念系統,其對人類內外整體的發展佔有重要的關鍵地位。在超個人心理學的相關研究中,甚至還研究致幻劑、靜修、僧侶和神秘家的經驗記載以及臨床上的觀察,揭示一些神秘經驗的奧秘,以更全面地了解人類的內外部經驗和行為。超個人心理學至今發展已超過 30 多年,其在許多相關研究中,探索許多人性中的深度層面和高度層面,其中最主要的為轉換意識狀態的研究,其最著名的便是「意識光譜」(spectrum of consciousness)的理論研究以及宗教體驗和靜坐沉思的研究。本文以美國著名的超個人心理學家肯.威爾伯(Ken Wilber)所著《意識光譜》(spectrum of consciousness) 一書為研究對象,企圖從肯.威爾伯(Ken Wilber)所建構的意識層次理論中分析其理論結構,本文發現其中涵蓋佛教中許多不同脈絡與不同宗派的思想,如唯識學、中觀論、禪宗思想、般若思想、華嚴思想、密宗思想等等。本文限於篇幅,暫整理了其中關於「意識階層」與「實相」所牽涉的部分佛教思想。以證明佛教對其思想的影響程度,並提供筆者未來研究與比對該理論與所引證的佛教理論是否吻合正統學說。

In the past ten years, many scholars have tried to divide human existence into four levels with the concept of structuralism: biological level, psychological level, social level and spiritual level. Among them, the biological level, the psychological level, and the spiritual level are commonly known as "body, mind, and spirit." Among them, the spiritual level is the most core part of human existence. In Western spiritual theory, one area that deserves attention is that of "transpersonal psychology". "Transpersonal psychology" is the "fourth force" of psychology after Maslow created "humanistic psychology". In the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was established by A.H.Maslow, A.J.Sutich and others after absorbing the achievements of traditional oriental civilizations such as Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, and yoga. , Contemporary psychological schools of Western spiritual theory. The main research objects are mainly the inner spiritual field and belief system of human beings, which play an important and key role in the development of human
beings both internally and externally. In related research on transpersonal psychology, even hallucinogens, retreats, experience records of monks and mystics, and clinical observations are also studied, revealing the mysteries of some mystical experiences, in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of human internal and external experience. and behavior. Transpersonal psychology has been developed for more than 30 years. In many related studies, it explores the depth and height of many human natures, the most important of which is the research on changing the state of consciousness, the most famous theoretical study of which is the "spectrum of consciousness" and the study of religious experience and meditation. This article is based on the famous American transpersonal psychologist Ken. Wilber's "spectrum of consciousness" is be the research object, trying to learn from Ken. Wilber analyzes its theoretical structure in the theory of consciousness hierarchy. This paper finds that it covers many different contexts and different sects in Buddhism, such as Consciousness Only, Madhyamika, Zen, Prajna, Huayan Thought, Tantric thinking, etc. Due to space limitations, this article temporarily organizes some of the Buddhist thoughts involved in the "level of consciousness" and "reality". In order to prove the degree of Buddhism's influence on his thoughts, and provide the author's future research and comparison whether the theory and the Buddhist theory cited are consistent with the orthodox theory.
目次前言 4
一、 超個人心理學家 Ken Wilber 與《意識光譜》 4
二、 意識光譜理論中所涵蓋的佛教思想 6
1.意識光譜理論內涵 7
2.意識階層理論中所引證的佛法內容 8
3.兩種「知」與「實相」引證的佛法內容 12
三、小結 16

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