《法華三昧懺儀》之研究-從經典義理向實踐儀式的轉化=A Study on the Repentance Ritual of Saddharmapundarika Samadhi: The Transformation from Teachings in Canons to Repentance Ritual |
著者 |
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
掲載誌 |
漢學研究集刊=Han Hsueh Yen Chiu Chi K'An
巻号 | n.09 |
出版年月日 | 2009.12 |
ページ | 105 - 148 |
出版者 | 國立雲林科技大學漢學資料整理研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 雲林縣, 臺灣 [Yunlin hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 黃國清,南華大學宗教學所助理教授。 |
キーワード | 法華三昧懺儀=the Repentance Ritual of Saddharmapundarika Samadhi; 普賢觀經=the Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Samanta-bhadra; 神聖意義=holy meaning; 懺悔六根=repentance for the sins of the six senses; 理懺; 事懺; 戒定慧; repentance in terms of ultimate truth and practice; three studies of Buddhism |
抄録 | 本文進行智凱撰《法華三昧懺儀》整體內容的詳密研究,探索其經典引據來源及所蘊含的宗教意義與實踐價值。《法華懺》主要引用《普賢觀經》、《法華經》與慧思著作。《普賢觀經》尤爲重要經典根據,經中的懺悔六根行法與事修理懺融通,給予智顓甚大啟發。智顗對所引資料加以增補刪削與重新組合,附加儀式成分並充實觀修義理,構成一套步驟嚴整的禮懺程序,將經典義理轉化爲實踐儀式。 整部懺儀從易行的事修方法導入,於隔絕世俗的時間和空間,絮齋淨化身心,招請神聖力量,營造有利宗教實踐的氛圍。此後開始有相事懺,虔心懺悔六根罪業,祈求聖力加被,祛除障道罪業;次以勸請、隨喜、迴向、發願四法增益心靈的澄淨與廣度,逐步建立無相理懺的適當條件。理懺之前,再以右達法座收攝精神,然後專念《法華經》文,獲取經典力量及作爲修觀基礎。最後,坐禪正觀實相,尋求罪業霜融,發起《法華經》的功德。懺儀最後部份列示各種淺深體驗境界,供修懺者驗證實踐成果。 相較於天台圓教的成熟教觀體系,《法華懺》義理樸實,可操作性強,包含宗教儀式和信仰成分卻不流於世俗利益追求,將懺悔實踐連結到戒、定、慧三學,引導修學者逐步進入深層宗教體驗,可謂良好的佛教實修指南。
In this article, we make a detailed analysis and discussion on the Repentance Ritual of Saddharmapundarika Samadhi by Chi-i, to explore the sources of this text and the religious meaning contained. The main sources of this text are the Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Samanta-bhadra, the Lotus Sutra, and the works of Hui-si. Among these, the first one is the most important. The repentance practice for the sins of the six senses and the integration of repentance in terms of ultimate truth(li-chan) and practice(shi-chan) in that sutra deeply inspired Chi-i. The materials referred by Chi-i are reorganized to form a set of repentance rituals. The new repentance text begins with easy religious practices, such as choosing the time and place different from ordinary world, purifying the body and mind, calling the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, to construct a holy space. It is then followed by the repentance practice for the sins of the six senses, along with imploring the Buddha to stay in the world, rejoicing for other's good deeds, transferring all the merits towards enlightenment, making a vow to save all beings. After these cultivations, the practitioner’s mind would become clear and broadened, and is qualified for practicing the repentance in terms of principle. Having chanted the Lotus Sutra to gain the holy power contained in it, the practitioner enters meditation and contemplates the ultimate truth to release from the sins caused by unwholesome conducts and obtains the merits of the Lotus Sutra. At the end of this repentance text, various stages of religious experience are presented to help the practitioner to confirm his progression. In comparison with the latter Tien-tai meditation theory of perfect teaching, the Repentance Ritual of Saddharmapundarika Samadhi is simpler in content and is easier to follow. Although religious rites and prayer are applied, the aim of their practice is not to obtain worldly advantages, but to combine repentance practice with the three studies of discipline, meditation, and wisdom. This text lead its practitioner to deep religious experience step by step, and can be recognized as an excellent guideline for Buddhist cultivation. |
目次 | 摘要 105 Abstract 107 壹、前言 109 貳、引用典據的對比與分析 110 一、與《普賢觀經》的對比 112 二、與其他經論的對比 120 參、禮懺儀式中所蘊含的神聖意義 126 肆、懺悔與禪觀的實踐意涵 135 伍、結語 146 |
ISSN | 18194427 (P) |
DOI | 10.7045/YJCS.200912.0105 |
ヒット数 | 1261 |
作成日 | 2022.10.28 |
更新日期 | 2022.10.28 |

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