唐代禅思想史における百丈懐海の位置=The Position of Baizhang Huaihai百丈懐海 in the History of Tang Dynasty Chan Thought |
著者 |
小川太龍 (著)=Ogawa, Tairyu (au.)
掲載誌 |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū
巻号 | v.70 n.2 (總號=n.156) |
出版年月日 | 2022.03.23 |
ページ | 794 - 801 |
出版者 | 日本印度学仏教学会 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 日文=Japanese |
キーワード | 百丈懐海; 三句; 真空; 『天聖広灯録』; 唐代禅 |
抄録 | The Chan thought of the Tang dynasty monk Baizhang Huaihai百丈懐海 (749-814) centered on the concept of true emptiness or śūnyatā 真空. In teaching this, he utilized the “Three Phrases” 三句 (affirmation, negation, and double negation), then stressed transcendence even of the resulting emptiness. This was a reinterpretation of the Chan teachings of his master, Mazu Daoyi 馬祖道一 (709-788) via thoroughgoing śūnyatā thought. Baizhang’s Chan thought was inherited by his disciple Huangbo Xiyun 黄檗希運 (d. 850), although the two masters differed in that, while both instructed their disciples to return to śūnyatā, Baizhang utilized the Three Phrases whereas Huangbo utilized the Shoulengyan jing首楞厳経 (the so-called Pseudo-Śūraṃgama-sūtra). |
目次 | はじめに 794 一 百丈の三句の思想 795 二 馬祖禅と百丈の三句 795 三 百丈の法の継承 798 おわりに 799 |
ISSN | 00194344 (P); 18840051 (E) |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.4259/ibk.70.2_794 |
ヒット数 | 141 |
作成日 | 2023.01.09 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.09 |

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