

The Evolution of the Concept of the Buddha from Early Buddhism to the Formulation of the Trikaya Theory
著者 Xing, Guang (著)
出版者ProQuest LLC
出版サイト https://about.proquest.com/en/dissertations/
出版地Ann Arbor, MI, US [安娜堡, 密西根州, 美國]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
学校University of London
学部・学科名Study of Religions
指導教官Tadeusz Skorupski; Timothy Barrett
抄録Of the three bodies of the Buddha, the sambhogakdya was the last to have been formulated (circa, the third to fourth century CE) To date, scholars have not established any substantiated theory with regard to its origins. It is with this aim that I began my research on the subject.
In earliest Buddhist literature, the concept of the Buddha reveals two aspects: a human identity and a superhuman character. The rationalist Sarvastivadins developed their belief in the human Buddha while the Mahasamghikas relied more on pure faith and developed their concept of the transcendental Buddha endowed with superhuman qualities. It is on this basis that the two-body theory of the Buddha was formulated. Most probably the originator belongs to the Sarvastivada school and flourished before the composition of the Mahdprajndpdramitd-sdstra. From the fourth chapter onwards, I have traced the origins and developments of each of the three bodies. The concept of the dharmakdya, derived from the Buddha’s teachings collected in the corpus of early Buddhist literature, was further developed as a collection of pure dharmas by the Sarvastivadins. It finally evolved into the cosmic body, an impersonal principle
supporting all phenomena through its identification with the tathatd which pervades the whole universe in Mahayana Buddhism. It is on this basis that the Mahayanists identified the dharmakdya with other key concepts such as the Buddhadhatu and the Tathdgatagarbha.
The sambhogakdya theory arose as a result of the debate on the rupakaya of the Buddha. Initially, the Sarvastivadins and the Mahasamghikas debated on the transcendental qualities of the Buddha. This later led to the problem of the short lifespan of Sakyamuni when Mahayanists increasingly emphasized the great merit of the Buddha gained through bodhisattva practice. The formulation of the sambhogakdya was arguably a solution to this complex problem, basing itself as precedent on the teachings of the early and middle Mahayana sutras.
The nirmdnakdya doctrine originated from the early Buddhist theory of the mind-made body produced through the supernatural power of rddhi. It had probably first been conceived by the Mahasamghikas when they idealised the Buddha as transcendental. The Mahayanists accepted this concept in its entirety and further
developed it into that of the nirmdnakdya. Many scholars think that the development of the concept of the Buddha is mainly driven by faith in Gautama, but our study of the subject shows that philosophical thought also plays a very important role.

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