From Jetavana to Jerusalem: Sacred Biography in Asian Perspectives and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Professor Phyllis Granoff=霞想海懷:葛然諾教授榮休紀念論文集 |
著者 |
Granoff, Phyllis (著)=葛然諾 (au.)
陳金華 (編輯)
出版年月日 | 2022 |
出版者 | 世界學術出版社 |
出版サイト |
シリーズ | 華林佛學研究書系 |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 英文=English |
抄録 | 本研究會專集將探討亞洲內外製造和流通的顯聖傳,旨在繼承這一開拓性的學術研究,進一步探討對聖傳—史傳的跨文化和跨邊界研究取向,特別要對僧尼人物、以及護持其遺產的群體有更深入的理解。 |
目次 | Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies: A General Preface (Zhan Ru)
A Bibliography of the Publications by Professor Phyllis Granoff
A Recent Photo of Professor Phyllis Granoff
An Extol Dedicated to Professor Phyllis Granoff (Chen Jinhua)
1. The Buddha’s Lives, Told and Retold
1.1. Robert L. BROWN: Material Choices
1.2. Eviatar SHULMAN: Autobiographical Potency: A First-person Formula on the Buddha’s Path to Enlightenment
1.3. Margarita Delgado CREAMER: Borges, Buddha’s Life Story, and the transmission of Buddhism to Latin America
2. Biographies Built and Rebuilt
2.1. Michael NYLAN & Martin J. VERHOEVEN: Swimming with the Masters: Sacred Biographies and Hallowed Figures
2.2. ZHAO You: Becoming Vimalakīrti on His Chamber
2.3. Albert WELTER: Secularizing the Sacred?: Wang Yucheng’s Biography of Buddhist Master Zanning
3. History and His Stories
3.1. John Stratton HAWLEY: In-Between Biography: Ramacharana’s Shankaradeva and Amar Singh’s Surdas
3.2. David SHULMAN: The Brahmin who Buried His Gods: Apatt’ Aṭīri’s Story of Myself
3.3. GE Zhouzi: A Mad Monk? A Sacred Monk?: Holy Path of Chan Master Yan Fahua in Northern Song Dynasty
3.4. Jacqueline STONE: The Account of How Nichiren Miraculously Escaped Beheading and Its Modern Critics: History and Hagiography in a Japanese Buddhist Tradition
4. Between and Beyond Secular and Sacred
4.1. Marko GESLANI: The Perils of Prediction: A Jain Demonology of Varāhamihira
4.2. Lilian HANDLIN: ‘This King Is He’: An 11th Century Pukkan Monarch’s Carte de Visite
4.3. Yagi MORRIS: Trajectories of Past Lives and the Formation of an Imperial Landscape: An Exploration of Hagiographies in a Medieval Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Text
5. Women Biographized
5.1. Alexandra KALOYANIDES: The Women Who Mastered Pāli
5.2. Naman P. AHUJA: Abductions of women, narratives and identities: The Earliest Rāmāyaṇa Depictions in Indian Art
5.3. James A. BENN: Princess Miaoshan, Self-immolator?
5.4. MA Xu: Displaying Her Decaying Body: Women and Embodied Exemplarity in the Qing Biographies
6. Monks in Motion
6.1. LIU Cuilan: The Pilgrim of a Buddhist Criminal: Xuanzang (602–664) and His Illegal Travel to India
6.2. Jeffrey KOTYK: Reports of Japanese Monks in China: Accounts in the Nittō Guhō Junrei Kōki 入唐求法巡禮行記 [Record of Travel to the Tang in Search of the Dharma] by Ennin 圓仁 (794–864)
6.3. HOU Haoran: rGwa Lotsāba gZhon nu dpal and the Spread of The Mahākāla Teachings in Eastern Central Asia
6.4. ZHANG Xing: Ruan and Liang Buddhas from China to India
7. Biographies Bridging Beliefs
7.1. Gérard COLAS: Belief beyond Affiliation, Affiliation beyond Belief: The Theft of an Icon of Buddha by the Vaiṣṇava Devout Poet Parakāla as Described in the Divyasūricarita
7.2. Max DEEG: Naked Heretics: On the Representation of Jains in Chinese Buddhist Texts
7.3. CHEN Jinhua: A Vinay Lineage and a Vinaya Master’s Life Constructed by a Tang Bureaucrat, General and Calligrapher: Yan Zhenqing 顏真卿 and His Record for the Precept-platform in the Vinaya-treasure Cloister 律藏院 at the Baoying Monastery 寶應寺 in Fuzhou 撫州
8. Defense and Debate: Biography as Sectarian and Polemical Devices
8.1. Aleksandra RESTIFO: Genre as a Polemical Device: An Alternative Biography of Banārasīdāsa (1586– 1643)
8.2. Gregory SCHOPEN: The Monk Mūlaphalguna and the Nuns: Biography as Criticism
8.3. Shanshan ZHAO: Protection of the Dharma: Daoxuan and Three Types of Hufa in the Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks
About the Authors |
ヒット数 | 334 |
作成日 | 2023.04.12 |
更新日期 | 2023.04.12 |

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