

Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age
著者 Miller, Christopher Patrick (編) ; Reading, Michael (編) ; Long, Jeffery D. (編)
出版者Lexington Books
出版サイト https://rowman.com/
出版地Lanham, MD, US
シリーズExplorations in Indic Traditions: Theological, Ethical, and Philosophical
ノートJeffery D. Long is professor of religion and Asian studies at Elizabethtown College and author of A Vision for Hinduism, Jainism: An Introduction and the Historical Dictionary of Hinduism.

Christopher Patrick Miller is the Bhagwan Mallinath assistant professor of Jainism and yoga studies at Loyola Marymount University.

Michael Reading is PhD candidate in comparative theology and philosophy at Claremont School of Theology, and an adjunct instructor of religious studies at Mt. St. Mary's University, Los Angeles
抄録Today’s globalized society faces some of humanity’s most unprecedented social and environmental challenges. Presenting new and insightful approaches to a range of these challenges, the timely volume before you draws upon individual cases of exemplary leadership from the world’s Dharma traditions—Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The volume's authors refer to such exemplary leaders as “beacons of Dharma,” highlighting the ways in which each figure, via their inspirational life work, provide us with illuminating perspectives as we continue to confront cases of grave injustice and needless suffering in the world.

Taking on difficult contemporary issues such as climate change, racial and gender inequality, industrial agriculture and animal rights, fair access to healthcare and education, and other such pressing concerns, Beacons of Dharma offers a promising and much needed contribution to our global remedial discussions. Seeking to help solve and alleviate such social and environmental issues, each of the chapters in the volume invites contemplation, inspires action, and offers a freshly invigorating source of hope.
Introduction by Michael Reading and Christopher Patrick Miller

I.Service, Compassion and Humanitarianism

1.“Tai Maharaj, Rebel with a Cause: Acharya Chandanaji’s Life of Compassion in Action” by Anne Vallely
2.“Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nivedita: Beacons of Dharma for India and the West” by Jeffery D. Long
3.“Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa and the Flavors of Bhakti” by Rita Sherma
4. “Swami Jyotirmayananda’s Integral Yoga: Methods Towards Service to Humanity and Enlightenment” by Priyanka Ramlakhan
5.“Amma: Global Mother – Embracing the World with Compassionate Darshan” by Sreedevi Bringi
6.“The North American Legacy of the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi” by Suzanne Schier-Happell

II.Ecology and Environmental Activism

7. “Eremitic Engagement: The Religious Body Politic of Chatral Sangye Dorji Rinpoche” by Westin Harris
8.“Sri Acharya Tulsi, Anuvrat, and Eco-conscious Living” by Michael Reading
9.“Paramahansa Yogananda’s World Brotherhood Colonies: Models for Environmentally Sustainable and Socially Responsible Living” by Christopher Patrick Miller
10.“Dharma and the Promise of Sustainable Eco-systems: Vandana Shiva’s Innovative Interpretation of Gandhi’s Principle of Swadeshi” by Veena Howard

III.Peace, Knowledge and Social Justice

11.“Opening the Heart in Anti-racism Activism: Pema Chodron and the Lojong Teachings” by Judith Simmer-Brown
12. “Bhai Vir Singh: Local Sikh Poet, Global Resource” by Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh
13.“Sri Chinmoy’s Vision of Peace” by Kusumita P. Pedersen
14.“Beacons of Dharma from the Biquini zhuan” by Tanya Storch
15.“Singing Dharam: Transmission of Knowledge in the Sikh Sonic Path” by Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa-Baker and Francesca Cassio.

Conclusion by Jeffery D. Long

About the Contributors
ISBN9781498564847 (hc); 9781498564854 (eb); 1498564844 (hc)
  1. Book Review: Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age Edited by Christopher Patrick Miller, Michael Reading, and Jeffery D. Long / Karma Lekshe Tsomo (評論)
  2. Book Review: Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age Edited by Christopher Patrick Miller, Michael Reading, and Jeffery D. Long / Corigliano, Stephanie (評論)
  3. Book Review: Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age Edited by Christopher Patrick Miller, Michael Reading, and Jeffery D. Long / Rodríguez, Alba (評論)
  4. Book Review: Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age. Edited by Christopher Patrick Miller, Michael Reading, and Jeffery D. Long / Beldio, Patrick M. (著)

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