梁啟超對佛學的汲取及其在教育觀的應用=Liang Qichao's devotion to Buddhism and how to utilize for education |
著者 |
黃文樹 (著)=Huang, Wen-shu (au.)
掲載誌 |
國立屏東大學學報-人文社會類=Journal of National Pingtung University: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
巻号 | n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2016.08 |
ページ | 61 - 94 |
出版者 | 國立屏東大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 屏東市, 臺灣 [Pingtung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート |
キーワード | 梁啟超=Liang Qichao; 佛學=Buddhism; 教育觀= Education Idea; 新民說=New Citizen Theory |
抄録 | 梁啟超以清末維新派核心人物、教育改革思想家、揭櫫「新民說」等聞名於世。他於1890年謁見康有為,開始對佛學產生興趣,並持續鑽研,又曾與譚嗣同、夏曾佑、宋恕等相互研治佛學。其後尚且專程到南京聆聽歐陽竟無的唯識課。撰有《佛學研究十八篇》等,成果豐碩。其佛學思想具有鮮明的務實致用特徵。基本上,處於腥風血雨時局中的梁啟超,他的世學與佛學,政治理想、教育實踐與佛教情操,是相輔相成的。其佛學思想在教育觀的應用凡三:(一)熱切倡導新民意識,以培育新民為教育目標;(二)勇猛聲言佛教正見,融入佛法於社會教育中;(三)致力弘揚無我理念,推介為最完美的人生觀。質言之,梁氏是在汲取佛學精華以後,形成了以治世、救國為根本關懷,從教育與倫理考察佛學對世間社會的作用,視佛學為自度度人、救國濟世和建構理想社會的憑藉,體現出一種用佛學教化人民,以改造國民性、育成新民的價值取向。
Liang Qichao has been recognized by world as the core reformist in late Qing Dynasty, education revolutionist, and the author of "The New Citizen Theory (新民說)." AD 1890, after the meeting with Kang You-Wei, opens the world of Buddhism for Mr. Liang, with further studies, and holds a Buddhism forum with Tan Si-Tong, Xia Zeng-You, Song Shu. He travel to Nanjing to attend the "Consciousness Only (唯識派)" Class by Ou Yang Jing Wu. Mr. Liang composed "18 Buddhism Research (佛學研究十八篇)", benefit the world greatly. His wisdom of Buddhism is known for its clearness and partiality. Liang Qichao lived in a harsh and severe world period, his knowledge, Buddhism studies, political ideas, Implanting on educations and sentiment toward Buddhism, are all complementing to each others. His applications of Buddhism for education have three main points: (1) Promote New Citizen thinking, to raise new citizens is the core of education; (2) Advocate Buddhism policies, merge the social education with the Buddhism ; (3) Carry the idea of selflessness, as it is the most ideal life style. Essentially, after Mr. Liang mastered the way of Buddhism, combined with modem western culture, he created the foundation for saving and governing the nation. From education to morality, Mr. Liaug studied reaction between Buddhism and society. He sees Buddhism as improvement for thyself and others, and the power to create Utopia. He embodied the style of Buddhism educate people, recreate morality and create new citizenship. |
目次 | 壹、 前言 64 貳、 梁啟超接觸與汲取佛學之歷程 68 參、 梁啟超佛學思想在教育觀的應用 76 一、 熱切倡導新民意識,以培育新民為教育目標 76 二、 勇猛聲言佛教正見,融入佛法於社會教育中 81 三、 致力弘揚無我理念,推介為最完美的人生觀 85 肆、 結語 87 參考文獻 89 |
ISSN | 25188879 (P) |
ヒット数 | 167 |
作成日 | 2023.06.29 |
更新日期 | 2023.06.29 |
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