

Xuanzang: China's Legendary Pilgrim and Translator
著者 Brose, Benjamin (著)
出版サイト https://www.shambhala.com/
出版地Boulder, CO, US [博爾德, 科羅拉多州, 美國]
シリーズLives of the Masters
ノートBenjamin Brose is an associate professor of Chinese Buddhism at the University of Michigan.
抄録In the fall of 629, Xuanzang (600–662), a twenty-nine-year-old Buddhist monk, left the capital of China to begin an epic pilgrimage across the country, through the deserts of Central Asia, and into India. His goal was to locate and study authentic Buddhist doctrine and practice, then bring the true teachings back to his homeland. Over the course of nearly seventeen years, he walked thousands of miles and visited hundreds of Buddhist monasteries and monuments. He studied with the leading teachers of his day and compiled a written account of his travels that remains a priceless record of premodern Indian history, religion, and culture. When Xuanzang finally returned to China in 645, he brought with him a treasure trove of new texts, relics, and icons. This transmission of Indian Buddhist teachings to China, made possible by Xuanzang’s unparalleled vision and erudition, was a landmark moment in the history of East Asian Buddhism.

As with many great pre-modern religious figures, the legends surrounding Xuanzang’s life have taken on lives of their own. His story has been retold, reshaped, and repurposed by generations of monastics and laypeople. In this comprehensive and engaging account, Benjamin Brose charts a course between the earliest, most reliable accounts of Xuanzang’s biography and the fantastic legends that later developed, such as those in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. Xuanzang remains one of the most consequential monks in the rich history of Buddhism in East Asia. This book is an indispensable introduction to his extraordinary life and enduring legacies.
目次Series Introduction vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1
1. The Journey to Bodh Gaya 13
2. Nalanda to Chang'an 41
3. China 73
4. Buddhism in India: From the Record of the Western Regions 105
5. Kapilavastu: From the Record of the Western Regions 113
6. The Bodhi Tree: From the Record of the Western Regions 117
7. Mahabodhi Monastery: From the Record of the Western Regions 121
8. Varanasi and the Deer Park: From the Record of the Western Regions 125
9. Kusinagara: From the Record of the Western Regions 129
10. Mahākāśyapa: From the Record of the Western Regions 133
11. Nālandă: From the Record of the Western Regions 137
12. King Kumara: From the Record of the Western Regions 143
13. King Siladitya: From the Record of the Western Regions 147
14. Letter from Khotan: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 153
15. Return to the Capital: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 155
16. Heart Sutra 159
17. Bodhisattva Precepts 161
18. Letter to Prajñadeva: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 165
19. Letter to Jñanaprabha: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 169
20. Letter to Emperor Gaozong: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 173
21. The Death of Xuanzang: From the Biography of the Trepitaka Master 179
22. Xuanzang's Teachings: Yogacara in East Asia 187
23. Xuanzang's Travels: The Record of the Western Regions and the Birth of Buddhist Studies 203
24. Xuanzang's Relics: Discoveries, Distributions, and Diplomacy 219
25. Xuanzang's Legend: Deification and Fictionalization 235
26. Xuanzang's Future: Politics, Profit, and Piety 253
Notes 259
Bibliography 275
Index 285
ISBN9781611807226 (pbk); 1611807220 (pbk)

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