山西高平大佛山摩崖造像考——“云岡模式”南傳的重要例證=On the Dafoshan Cliff-side Sculptures in Gaoping, Shanxi——An Important Evidence of the Southward Diffusion of the “Yungang Mode” |
著者 |
李裕群 (著)=Li, Yu-qun (au.)
Yi, Lidu (著)
掲載誌 |
文物=Cultural Relics=文物參考資料
巻号 | n.3 |
出版年月日 | 2015.03 |
ページ | 1, 81 - 93 |
出版者 | 文物出版社 |
出版地 | 北京, 中國 [Beijing, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:中國社會科學院考古研究所、美國佛羅里達國際大學藝術與藝術史系。 |
キーワード | 摩崖造像; 石窟寺; 釋迦苦修像; 大佛山 |
抄録 | 大佛山摩崖造像位於山西省高平市張壁村西北大佛山山腰間一處依山而建的古代佛寺的大殿遺址中。造像所在巨石頂部距現地面4.8米,正面(南面)為北魏龕像,背面(北面)為明代龕像。其正面龕像為當地張姓家族組成的民間邑社組織出資開鑿,年代約當北魏孝文帝太和年間前期(477~489年)。正面龕像的造像樣式和題材明顯承襲了北魏平城時期云岡石窟的特點,對于研究云岡工匠的南遷有重要價值。
The Dafoshan cliff-side sculptures are located in the remains of the main hall of an ancient Buddhist monastery built against the Dafoshan (Mount Huge Buddha) to the northwest of Zhangbi Village in Gaoping City, Shanxi Province. The top of the huge boulder on which the sculptures are located is 4.8 m above the present-day ground. On the obverse (south) of the boulder are the niched Buddhist sculptures of the Northern Wei Dynasty and on the reverse (north) are the niched Buddhist sculptures of the Ming Dynasty. The sculptures on the obverse were sponsored by the local guilds organized by the Zhang Family, the date of which was around the early stage of Taihe Era (477-489 AD) in the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The style and motifs of the Buddhist sculptures on the obverse of the boulder are clearly adopted from the Yungang Grottoes in the Pingcheng Period of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which is significantly meaningful for the researches on the southward migration of the Yungang craftsmen. |
目次 | 一 調查緣起 81 二 摩崖造像的現狀 81 1. 正面龕像 81 2. 背面龕像 88 三 相關問題的討論 89 1. 造像樣式與雕造年代 89 2. 構圖形式與造像題材 90 3. 雲岡模式與工匠的南下 91 |
ISSN | 05114772 (P) |
ヒット数 | 42 |
作成日 | 2023.09.20 |
更新日期 | 2023.09.20 |

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