遊方與佛教傳播:歷代僧傳移動與空間的數位人文研究=Religious Itineracy and the Spread of Buddhism: Digital Humanities Research on the Travel Events in the Biographs of Eminent Monks |
著者 |
劉苑如 (著)=Liu, Yuan-ju (au.)
蔡秉霖 (著)=Tsai, Ping-lin (au.)
邱琬淳 =Chiu, Wan-chun
謝獻誼 =Xie, Xian-yi
掲載誌 |
數位典藏與數位人文=Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2023.04 |
ページ | 1 - 49 |
出版者 | 臺灣數位人文學會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 歷代僧傳=Biographs of Eminent Monks; 僧人行旅=monastic travel; 佛教中心=Buddhist centers; 鐘擺=Pendulum; 漣漪=ripple |
抄録 | 佛教作為一種外向傳播的宗教,不執一地的「遊方」實踐,奠定僧人心性修養、學識養成與弘揚佛法的重要基礎,展現「常貴游化,不樂專守」的實踐意義,對於佛教傳播、教派建設乃至各國文化交流,都有深遠影響。過往研究無論是嚴耕望的「城市和山林佛教中心」,或蘭卡斯特的「佛教大圓環」,雖皆展示了中國佛教發展部分的大趨勢,但在細部內容上猶有補充的空間,這部分便可透過歷代僧傳遊方資料庫以大數據方式加以補足。本文擬突破一人一時一地的研究,以「遊方:歷代僧傳僧人的出行敘述」網站為基礎,透過資料庫的建置與數位工具的加值運用,探討歷朝僧傳遊方與中國佛教傳播的關係。從而發現中國僧人在佛教中心之外,經由擺盪與漣漪兩種模式,將遊方動機和僧眾間的親緣、法緣和地緣結合,將佛法層層震盪傳播,建立起諸多千里之外的次級中心,在地方落實佛教教理。
In Buddhism as a religion based on outward spread, the practice of wandering from place to place establishes the foundation of the monks' cultivation of mind and knowledge, and is a means of propagating the Buddhist faith. It also exemplifies the meaning of "respecting the edification through wandering, not satisfied with remaining in one place", and has a significant influence on the spread of Buddhism, the founding of Buddhist schools and the cultural exchange between countries. The article, based on the website "Religious Itineracy: Travel Narratives in the Biographs of Eminent Monks", uses event extraction, text mark-up, a database of the travel events and other digital tools to complement Yan Gengwang's theory of Buddhist center, as well as Lancaster's "The Great Circle" of Buddhism, and to discuss the relation between the travel events in the Buddhist eminent monks' biographies and the spread of Chinese Buddhism. The article makes the discovery that precisely because of these two models of oscillation and ripple that the kinship bond, the dharma bond and the place bond can be related to the motivations for traveling, which makes possible the spread of Buddhism on all levels, and implements the Buddhist teaching by the establishment of secondary centers situated in the periphery. |
目次 | 壹、前言 2
貳、研究方法與文獻回顧 3 一、研究方法 3 二、文獻回顧 4 (一)遊方地理空間與佛教傳播之研究 5 (二)遊方相關數位人文成果 9
參、數位化與視覺化:佛教中心的建立與轉移 10 一、歷代整體遊方熱點排序及其性質分析 12 二、遊方事件動機、結果及其地理分布之歷時性情況 15
肆、擺盪與推展:傳教、修行意識及佛教中心的周邊發展 22 一、邊地情結與佛教中心的興衰 22 二、棲隱修行與奉召弘法的擺盪 27 三、由中心到地方:以廬山慧遠集團的拓展為例 31
伍、結論 38
參考文獻 41
ISSN | 26165732 (E) |
DOI | https://www.airitilibrary.com/Common/Click_DOI?DOI=10.6853/DADH.202304_(11).0001 |
ヒット数 | 266 |
作成日 | 2023.10.18 |
更新日期 | 2023.10.23 |

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