

Buddhism and Postmodern Imaginings in Thailand: The Religiosity of Urban Space
著者 Taylor, James (著)
出版サイト https://www.routledge.com/
出版地Oxfordshire, UK [牛津郡, 英國]
ノートDr J.L.Taylor, author of Forest Monks and the Nation-State (1993) is a Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at the School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia. His research and work experiences are in critical theory and practice of planned culture change and the transformation of rural society, the development discourse and anthropology, ethno-ecology, and Thai Buddhism.
抄録This book presents a rethink on the significance of Thai Buddhism in an increasingly complex and changing post-modern urban context, especially following the financial crisis of 1997. Defining the cultural nature of Thai ’urbanity’; the implications for local/global flows, interactions and emergent social formations, James Taylor opens up new possibilities in understanding the specificities of everyday urban life as this relates to perceptions, conceptions and lived experiences of religiosity. Changes in the centre are also reverberating in the remaining forests and the monastic tradition of forest-dwelling which has sourced most of the nation’s modern saints. The text is based on ethnography taking into account the rich variety of everyday practices in a mélange of the religious. In Thailand, Buddhism is so intimately interconnected with national identity and social, economic and ethno-political concerns as to be inseparable. Taylor argues here that in recent years there has been a marked reformulation of important conventional cosmologies through new and challenging Buddhist ideas and practices. These influences and changes are as much located outside as inside the Buddhist temples/monasteries.

1 Thai Buddhism in Postmodernity
A Nation in Crisis and Salvation Histories
Urban/Rural, Thai'ness, Identity and City-space
Urban Buddhism and ' An-Other' Kind of Religiosity
The Pragmatics and Motivations of Religious Life
Non-desiring and Transcendent Buddhism
Montage, Method and Modernity
Entering New Space

2 Buddhist Modernities, Heresy and Hybridization: Thailand's Thammakaai Movement
Modernity and Religious Spectacle
The New Messiah and the Good Thammakaai
Modernity, Nostalgia and Loss
Rationality and the New Supra-monument
Hersey, Text and Hybridization
Gemeinschaft, Feeling and Family
Rationalizing Merit Making

3 New Buddhism, Copying and the Art of the Imagination
Going Shopping, Art and Religion in the City
Simulation and the Reproduction of Buddha-images
' Superman' and the Carnivalesque
Marginality and Difference

4 Buddhist Cyber-Worlds and Changing Urban Space
The New Metropolis and Sites of Marginality
The Virtual Present
Marking Out New Maps
The Bizarre New World of Digital Buddhism

5 Nation, Embodiment and the Charisma of a Thai Saint
Recluse to National Saviour
Body as Metaphor, Religion and Politics
Social Body and the 'Save Nation' Campaign

6 Kammathaan Monks, Tradition and Sites of Memory
Textual Bases and the Primitive Monks' Charter
Starting Anew; Reform Vinaya and Forest Monasticism
Locating Tradition; Sites of Memory
Relics, Arahants and the Localization of Tradition
Living the Arahant Ideals
Liberation and Modernity in the Forest Monasteries

7 Sanctification of Place, Power and Mobility
The Body, Ruse and the Making of Sacred Space
Nomadism and the Power of Location
Asceticism, Rigour and Practices of Wandering

8 Conclusion/Beginning

ISBN0754662470 (hc); 9780754662471 (hc)
  1. Book Review: Buddhism and Postmodern Imaginings in Thailand: The Religiosity of Urban Space by James Taylor / Tannenbaum, Nicola (評論)

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