覺──天台茶禪的理論建構與實踐=Enlightenment, Theory Construction of Tiantai Tea Zen and Its Practice |
著者 |
林素玟 (著)=Lin, Su-wen (au.)
掲載誌 |
臺北大學中文學報=Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University
巻号 | n.32 |
出版年月日 | 2022.09 |
ページ | 1 - 50 |
出版者 | 國立台北大學中國語文學系 |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 林素玟,華梵大學佛教藝術學系教授。 |
キーワード | 天台茶禪=Tiantai tea Zen; 小止觀=Minor Zhi-Guan; 茶禪一味= common taste in tea and Zen; 覺之教育=enlightened education |
抄録 | 茶,自晉代即為僧眾禪修之媒介。隋代智者大師創立中國第 一個佛教宗派天台宗,天台茶更與天台宗的禪修,形成緊密之關係。 天台宗茶禪一味之精神在「覺」,透過行茶、品茶,開發六根的本 覺,影響禪宗及日本茶道甚鉅。禪宗茶禪一味轉以「無」為核心; 日本茶道則為「侘」。 本文援引《小止觀》十章內容詮釋行茶品茶,試圖建構「天台 茶禪」的理論,並將「龍行十八式」的獻茶技藝,因革損益,製訂「天 台茶禪十八式」,使茶人從行茶的實踐中,走上始覺之道,最後以 茶自覺、覺他,臻於圓覺境界。至此,所謂的茶人,實即一證悟自 性本自清淨的覺者──佛。
Tea has been a medium for Buddhist monks in the practice of Zen meditation since the Jin Dynasty. Master Zhizhe set up Tiantai Sect, the first Buddhist sect in China, during the Sui Dynasty, and Tiantai tea is closely related to Zen meditation of Tiantai Sect. “Jue” (Enlightenment) is the spirit of common taste in tea and Zen of Tiantai Sect to develop the ben jue (the original enlightenment)of six roots through tea serving and tea tasting that has great influence on Zen and Japanese Sadō (the Japanese tea ceremony). The common taste in tea and Zen of Tiantai Sect takes “nothingness” as the core, while Japanese Sadō involves its own aesthetic, “wabi” (rustic simplicity). By referring to contents from ten chapters of Minor Zhi-Guan (The Minor Treatise on Samatha and Vipassana, i.e. calm meditation and insight meditation), this essay interprets tea serving and tea tasting. This research further discusses an attempt to construct the theory of “Tiantai Tea Zen” to establish “Tiantai Tea Zen 18” based on the inheritance and change of the tea offering art of “Dragon Line 18”. It thus leads masters of the tea ceremony to a step toward the way of shi jue (the initial enlightenment) from the practice of tea serving and, finally, to a practice of tea in possessing self-enlightenment, enlightening others and achieving the realm of complete enlightenment. Therefore, the so-called masters of the tea ceremony are really the enlightened who have attained adhigama (spiritual realization) of self-nature that is originally clear and pure, i.e. the Buddha’s way |
目次 | 一、前言 4 二、天台宗與天台茶 6 (一)南北朝以前 6 (二)隋唐時期 7 (三)宋明以後 8 三、「茶禪一味」之內涵 10 (一)天台宗「茶禪一味」:覺 11 (二)禪宗「茶禪一味」:無 12 (三)日本「茶禪一味」:侘 16 四、天台茶禪前行:二十五方便 19 (一)具緣:茶禪行者應具備之條件 22 (二)訶欲:去除茶禪行者的外在障礙 23 (三)棄蓋:摒棄茶禪行者的內心煩惱 24 (四)調和:調和茶禪行者的身心狀態 25 (五)方便:茶禪之心理條件 26 五、天台茶禪正行:行茶即行禪 27 (一)正修:以行茶修習止觀 27 1、坐中修止觀 27 (1)修止之法 27 (2)修觀之法 27 2、歷緣對境修:六緣六境修止觀 29 (1)歷緣修止觀 29 (2)對境修止觀 30 (二)善發:行茶善根開發之現象 32 (三)覺魔:覺察行茶過程之障礙 33 (四)治病:茶禪病發及對治 34 (五)證果:茶禪三止三觀之境界 35 六、天台茶禪十八式 39 (一)茶禪十八式之來源 40 1、問訊:禮敬諸佛 40 2、調息:一心三觀 41 3、煮水:醍醐甘露 41 4、候湯:從假入空 41 5、溫壺:浴佛浴心 42 6、溫杯:法輪常轉 42 7、賞茶:世尊拈花 42 8、投茶:地藏入獄 42 9、注水:法雨人華 43 10、候茶:從空入假 43 11、出湯:耳聽潮音 43 12、分茶:平等不二 44 13、奉茶:視眾如佛 44 14、聞香:鼻聞茶香 44 15、觀色:眼觀茶色 44 16、品茶:舌品茶味 44 17、回甘:中道正觀 45 18、謝茶:三諦圓融 45 七、結論 45 引用書目 47 |
ISSN | 19931638 (P) |
ヒット数 | 5 |
作成日 | 2023.11.14 |
更新日期 | 2023.11.14 |
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