緬甸僧侶剃度儀式的樂隊走街及其音樂歷史溯源=The Band Touring and the History of Its Music of the Tonsuring Ritual for Buddhists Monks in Myanmar |
著者 |
楊民康 =Yang, Min-kang
掲載誌 |
民族藝術研究=Studies in National Art
巻号 | n.06 |
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 19 - 26 |
出版者 | 民族藝術研究編輯部 |
出版地 | 昆明, 中國 [Kunming, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 緬甸=Myanmar; 僧侶剃度儀式=tonsuring ritual for acolyte; 樂隊走街=band touring; 景棟=Jingdong; 蒲甘=Bagan |
抄録 | 在緬甸信仰南傳佛教的各民族地區,古代曾經盛行男女兒童幼年入寺為僧(尼),接受佛教早期宗教和文化教育的傳統習俗。近年來,有關緬甸沙彌剃度儀式的報道也時有所見。本文述及的兩種相關儀式活動,分別是緬甸景棟傣族升沙彌儀式和蒲甘城區緬族送兒童入寺做沙彌的巡游儀式,其中包含四種不同類型的民間禮儀樂隊:景棟地區的傣族小型民族管弦樂隊和象腳鼓樂隊以及蒲甘地區的緬族"多拔"樂隊和小型吹打樂隊。本文分別從儀式習俗及樂隊組合、音樂特征等不同角度,對這幾種當代民間樂隊與云南-東南亞古代及近當代樂舞、樂隊的發展歷史和存在現況略做比較。
In the areas in Myanmar where the Southern Buddhism is worshipped,there used to be a popular traditional custom that the young boys and girls were sent to the temple to be monks and nuns to learn early religion and culture of Buddhism. Recent years,there are reports on the tonsuring of acolyte in Myanmar. The paper discusses two kinds of rituals,one of which is the Dai people's upgrading acolyte ritual in Jing?dong,Myanmar,and the other of which is the cruise ritual for sending the children to temple to be acolyte in the urban area in Bagan,Myanmar. There are four types of folk ritual bands concerned: the Dai's mini folk orchestra,the elephant - foot drum band in Jingdong area,the Burma Duoba band and mini blow and beat band in Bagan area. The paper,from the aspects of ritual customs,constitution of the band,musical fea?tures and others,studied the history of development and current situation of these folk bands,as compared with the ancient and contemporary dance and music in Yunnan - south east of Asia areas. |
目次 | 一、信仰南傳佛教各民族男女兒童的入寺爲僧習俗 19 二、景棟傣族小和尚入寺儀式及其打擊樂與吹打樂走街活動 20 三、蒲甘緬族送女孩男童入寺巡遊儀式中的吹打樂隊走街活動 21 四、與雲南—東南亞樂舞及樂隊的歷史與現況的幾點比較 22 |
ISSN | 1003840X (P); 1003840X (E) |
ヒット数 | 121 |
作成日 | 2023.11.30 |
更新日期 | 2023.11.30 |

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