淺析竺摩法師佛教藝術觀=A brief Analysis on Ven. Chok Mor’s Perspective of Buddhist Arts |
著者 |
夏美玉 (著)=Ha, Mui Nyuk (au.)
掲載誌 |
回顧與前瞻馬來西亞佛教:第一屆馬來西亞佛教國際研討會論文集=Retrospective and Perspective of Malaysian Buddhism: Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Malaysian Buddhism
出版年月日 | 2010.11 |
ページ | 183 - 192 |
出版者 | 馬來西亞佛教學術研究會=Buddhist Research Society of Malaysia |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia [八打靈再也, 雪蘭莪州, 馬來西亞] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
抄録 | 竺摩法師一生為佛教作出無數貢獻,他更被譽為詩書畫三絕的才子法師,作為一位精通藝術的傑出僧侶,他如何看待佛教與藝術的關系?本文將竺摩法師的佛教藝術觀分為三個部分,即藝術是佛法的方便道、藝術與佛法有相通處,以及藝術不能取代宗教。首先,竺摩法師主張藝術是佛法的方便道,是借以弘傳佛法的工具,所以,在他的詩書畫創作中,絕大部分都以佛教為主題。其次,他認為藝術與佛法有相通處,一是追求真善美的目的相同,二是藝術陶冶性情的作用可以作為學習佛法的入門功夫,三是藝術的感悟與佛教禪境的相通,這兩者都能使個人精神境界豁然開拓,超凡絕俗。而詩與禪更能巧妙結合,即詩的靈光能捕捉禪的蹤影,而禪的超脫能使詩境更高妙。最後,竺摩法師強調藝術不足以取代宗教,他以「藝術的感悟只是剎那而宗教(專指佛教)的修為方是永恒」反駁蔡元培「以美育代宗教」的主張。依據以上觀點,可以說竺摩法師是以佛教為本位,理解藝術而善用藝術的佛教僧侶。
Ven. Chok Mor dedicated his entire to Buddhism. He is well acknowledged as a talented monk who is skilled in poems, calligraphy and painting. As a monk well versed in arts, how does he view the relationship between Buddhism and arts? This paper divided his perspectives of Buddhist arts into three parts, namely, arts as a skillful means of (preaching) the Dhamma, there are common grounds for arts and Buddhism, and arts cannot displace religion. Firstly, Ven. Chok Mor treats arts as a skillful means of the Dhamma, a tool meant for preaching the Dhamma, hence his artistic works are mostly based on Buddhist themes. Secondly, he believes that there are common grounds between arts and Buddhism. Both have the same objective of pursuing truth, goodness and beauty; the therapeutic and soothing effect of arts can serve as an elementary skill to learn the Dhamma. Furthermore, the appreciation of arts and the meditative state of Zen are the same, both are capable of leading to a higher state of supramundane mental development. In particular poems and Zen may be fused beautifully: the inspiration of poems can catch the traces of Zen, and the liberation in Zen can bring the state of poems to a higher level. Lastly, Ven. Chok Mor emphasizes that arts cannot displace religion. He uses the argument that “the realization in arts is only momentary but the practice of religion (referring to Buddhism) is eternal” to counter the “replacing religion with arts” argument of Cai Yuan Bei. Based on the above, it may be said that Ven. Chok Mor is a Buddhist monk who understands and uses arts from a Buddhist standpoint. |
目次 | 一、前言 183 二、藝術是佛法的方便道 184 (一)所謂「方便」 184 (二)根本信念 184 (三)實際應用 185 (四)方便為次,正修為本 186 三、藝術與佛法相通 188 (一)目的相通 188 (二)佛教悟境及藝術靈感的相通 189 四、藝術不能取代宗教 190 五、結論 191 |
ISBN | 9789671009109 |
ヒット数 | 287 |
作成日 | 2023.12.04 |
更新日期 | 2023.12.04 |

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