明代佛教中的澄觀=明代佛教中的澄观=Chengguan"s Influence on Ming Dynasty Buddhism |
著者 |
張文良 (著)=Chang, Wen liang (au.)
掲載誌 |
巻号 | v.102 n.0 |
出版年月日 | 2023.07 |
ページ | 211 - 229 |
出版者 | 동국대학교 불교문화연구원=Institute for Buddhist Culture |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Korea [韓國] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 著者所屬:中國人⺠大學 佛教與宗教學理論研究所 教授
キーワード | 명대=Ming Dynasty; 화엄학=Huayan School; 징관= Chengguan; 이통현=Li Tongxuan; 진징= Zhencheng; 감산덕청=Hanshan Deqing; 조통설=the lineage tradition |
抄録 | 명말(明末) 화엄종(華嚴宗) 부흥운동에서 무극수우(無極守愚)는 중요한 역할을 했다. 무극수우에서 설랑홍은(雪浪洪恩)과 감산덕청(憨⼭德清)으로 전해진 화엄학(華嚴學)은 화엄 4조 징관(澄觀)의 화엄학이다. 이와 함께 자백진가(紫柏眞可) 등의 제창으로, 정통 화엄 조사의 계보에서 소외됐던 이통현(李通⽞)의 『화엄경합론(華嚴經合論)』이 유행하여 명대(明代) 화엄학의 큰 특색을 이루었다. 사상적으로 징관을 둘러싼 진징(鎭澄)과 감산덕청(憨⼭德清)의 논쟁은 징관이 명대 불교에 미친 영향을 드러내고, 우익지욱(蕅益智旭)의 법장(法藏)과 종밀(宗密)에 대한 비판은 명대 불교의 전통 화엄종 조통설(祖統說)에 대한 반성과 새로운 입장에서 화엄종을 재구성하려는 노력을 보여준다.
Wuji Shouyu played a crucial role in the revival of the Huayan School during the Ming Dynasty. The Huayan teachings were passed down from Wuji Shouyu to Xuelang Hong’en, and Hanshan Deqing originated from Chengguan, the fourth patriarch of the Huayan School. Additionally, Li Tongxuan, who was initially excluded from the orthodox Huayan lineage, gained the recognition and promotion for his work Huayan Jing Helun through advocates such as Zibai Zhenke. This work became popular and served as a representative of Huayan studies during the Ming Dynasty. From the perspective of Buddhist thought, the debate on Chengguan's theories between Zhencheng and Hanshan Deqing denotes how Chengguan influenced Ming Dynasty Buddhism, while Ouyi Zhixu's criticism of Fazang and Zongmi reflects on the lineage tradition of the Huayan School as well as the endeavor to reconstruct the Huayan School from a new perspective. |
目次 | I. 序言 212 II. 無極守愚與明代華嚴學的傳承 213 III. 澄觀的“物不遷”詮釋與鎮澄、 憨山的論爭 217 IV. 明代佛教對法藏、 澄觀、 李通玄的再評價 222 V. 結論 226 |
ISSN | 12261386 (P) |
ヒット数 | 216 |
作成日 | 2023.12.13 |
更新日期 | 2023.12.13 |

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