

『지장경』에 나타난 지옥관의 일고찰=A Review of the Notion of Hell in Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra
著者 김호귀 =Kim, Ho-gui
掲載誌 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies
巻号v.39 n.0
ページ43 - 70
出版サイト http://www.jungtohak.or.kr/
出版地Seoul, Korea [首爾, 韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 동국대학교 불교학술원 HK교수
キーワード자업자득; 무간지옥; 자성지옥; 업감; 효도; 지장신앙; 지장경; Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra; Hell; Beings; filial piety; expedients; self-reliance; hell in the mind
抄録『지장경』은 불교에서 정토계통의 경전과 함께 사후세계를 다루고 있는 경전이다.『지장경』의 대의는 지옥의 중생을 제도하는 것인데, 그 가운데 효도에 대한 가르침이 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다. 이런 점에서 『지장경』은 불교의 효경이라고도 한다.
『지장경』의 13개 품 가운데는 효도와 관련하여 등장시킨 지옥과 직접 관련한 3개의 품이 들어있다. 그것은 지옥의 고통을 설명해줌으로써 중생 들로 하여금 죄업을 짓지 않도록 해주려는 불교의 방편법에 따른 것이다. 그런데 경전에서 설하고 있는 지옥은 궁극적으로 마음속의 지옥이라는 결 론을 보여주고 있다.
그래서 『지장경』에 보이는 다양하고 중층적인 지옥의 과보는 누가 주는 것도 아니고, 어디 외부에서 오는 것도 아니다. 자신이 짓고, 자신이 설정 하며, 자신이 받고, 자신이 인식하며, 자신이 평가하는 관념일 뿐이다.
이로써 불교에서 제시한 지옥은 몇 가지 특징을 보여주고 있다. 하나는 자신이 짓고 자신이 그 과보를 받는다는 자작자수(自作自受)이고 자업자득 (自業自得)의 이치에 충실한 것이다. 둘은 마음으로 이루어진 것이다. 셋은 무한한 지옥은 없다. 넷은 자신의 과보만이 아니라 가문, 민족, 국가 등 일정 부분은 타인과 관계가 있다.
이처럼 『지장경』에서 지옥을 설정하고, 궁극에는 지옥이 자신의 마음에 서 설정한 것임을 깨우쳐 줌으로써 올바른 마음으로 살아갈 것을 유도하 는 윤리적이고 교훈적인 가르침을 제시하고 있다.

Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra(地藏經) is a scripture that deals with the afterlife along with the Pureland-ideological scriptures in Buddhism. The cause of Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra is to salvation the beings of the Hell, and the teaching of filial piety is a big part of it. In this respect, Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra is also called the filial piety of Buddhism.
Among the thirteen items of Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra, there are many items that explain the situation of the Hell. It is intended to explain the suffering of the Hell so that those who believe in Buddhism do not commit sin. This is according to the Buddhist expedients.
In Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra, the conclusion is that Hell is ultimately a hell in the mind. So the various and multi-layered the Hell overviews seen in Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra are neither given by anyone, nor come from outside. It is just an idea that you build, you set, you receive, you recognize, and you evaluate.
As a result, the hell presen Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra(地藏經) is a scripture that deals with the afterlife along with the Pureland-ideological scriptures in Buddhism. The cause of Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra is to salvation the beings of the Hell, and the teaching of filial piety is a big part of it. In this respect, Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra is also called the filial piety of Buddhism.
Among the thirteen items of Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra, there are many items that explain the situation of the Hell. It is intended to explain the suffering of the Hell so that those who believe in Buddhism do not commit sin. This is according to the Buddhist expedients.
In Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra, the conclusion is that Hell is ultimately a hell in the mind. So the various and multi-layered the Hell overviews seen in Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra are neither given by anyone, nor come from outside. It is just an idea that you build, you set, you receive, you recognize, and you evaluate.
As a result, the hell presented in Buddhism shows some characteristics. First is that he builds it and he receives the oversight. In other words, it is his own self-reliance. Second, the Hell is created hell with their own minds. Third, there is no endless the Hell. Fourth, it does not end with only one's own achievements. Some of the other family, nation, and ethnic group are related to others.
It is clear that the reason why Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra puts up hell is to remind people through the Hell. Ultimately, for example, it is to let you know that Hell is set in your mind. So that Beings can live with the right mind. Therefore, it can be said that Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra presents ethical and instructive teachings to Beings.ted in Buddhism shows some characteristics. First is that he builds it and he receives the oversight. In other words, it is his own self-reliance. Second, the Hell is created hell with their own minds. Third, there is no endless the Hell. Fourth, it does not end with only one's own achievements. Some of the other family, nation, and ethnic group are related to others.

It is clear that the reason why Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra puts up hell is to remind people through the Hell. Ultimately, for example, it is to let you know that Hell is set in your mind. So that Beings can live with the right mind. Therefore, it can be said that Kṣitigarbha-Sūtra presents ethical and instructive teachings t
目次I. 서언 45

II. 『지장경』 지옥의 모습 46
1. 『지장경』의 위상 46
2. 지옥의 구성과 효도의 구현 50
III. 『지장경』 지옥의 실상과 관념 57
1. 자성지옥의 성격 57

2. 무간지옥의 실상 60

3. 지옥명호품의 지옥관념 62
IV. 결어 65
ISSN12291846 (P)

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