

승랑의 유무상즉과 원효의 생멸상즉=A Comparison of the Ideas of Wonhyo and Seung-rang
著者 김영미 (著)=Kim, Young-mi (au.)
掲載誌 불교철학=Journal for the Study Buddhist Philosophy=佛教哲學
巻号v.5 n.0
ページ5 - 40
出版者동국대학교 세계불교학연구소=Institution for World Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.duwbsi.or.kr
出版地Seoul, Korea [首爾, 韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article

저자정보: 동국대 경주캠퍼스, 파라미타 칼리지, 전임강사
キーワード승랑=僧朗=Seung-rang; 원효=元曉=Wonhyo; 삼론학=三論學=A study of the Sān-Lùn; 대승기신론별기=大乘起信論別記=Wonhyo’s the Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith; 금강삼매경론=金剛三昧經論=Wonhyo’s Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sutra
抄録동아시아의 중관학인 삼론학(三論學)에서는 ‘유무(有無)’의 개념으로 다양한 이론들이 생겨난다. 승조의 <부진공론(不眞空論)>에서 습득한 뒤, 승랑(僧朗)이 주옹(周顒)에게 전한 ‘유무상즉(有無相卽)’의 사상이 바로 ‘가명공(假名空)’ 사상이다. 승랑의 사상은 ‘이원적(二元的) 범주론(範疇論), 방편적(方便的) 교화론(敎化論), 상즉(相卽)의 실상론(實相論), 무득(無得)의 오도론(悟道論)’으로 요약되며, 유무(有無), 진속(眞俗)을 벗어난 깨달음의 경지인 불이중도(不二中道)를 ‘유무상즉’으로 설한다. 반면 원효(元曉)는 『금강삼매경론』에서 ‘무이중도(無二中道)’를 설명한다. 논자는 『대승기신론별기』에 원효가 적어놓은 문장을 근거로 속제와 속제중도를 여용(如用)으로, 진제와 진제중도를 여체(如體)로, 무이중도를 여(如)로 배대(配對)하여서 원효의 사상을 통섭(通攝)하고, 이를 승랑의 사상과 비교하려 한다. 일사구게(一四句偈)의 해석에 나타난 ‘생즉멸(生卽滅)·멸즉생(滅卽生)’은 원효의 ‘생멸상즉(生滅相卽)’의 경지이다. 승랑은 유무상즉(有無相卽)을 설하고 원효는 생멸상즉(生滅相卽)을 설하므로, 두 성사(聖師)의 사상을 고찰할 것이다.

In the Sān-Lùn(三論), Madhyamaka in East Asia, a variety of theories arise from the concept of ‘existence and non-existence’. After learning from the Buzhen kong lun(不眞空論), one of the four treatises contained in the Zhào-Lùn(肇論), Seung-rang(僧朗) delivered the idea, ‘existence and non-existence are mutual identification’ to Zhou Yong(周顒) which is ‘conventionally designated emptiness’. The theory of Seung-rang, who is the Patriarch of New Sān-Lùn(三論), is summed up as ‘dual categorism, skillful edifications, the theory of true characteristics of mutual identification and the theory to awaken to the way of nothing to be attained’ and sermons the middle way of non-duality(不二中道) with existence and non-existence are mutual identification(有無相卽) that is the stage of enlightenment out of existence and non-existence and truth and convention. Wonhyo explains ‘the middle way free from dualistic extremes’, the stage of his enlightenment, in the 『Wonhyo’s Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi Sutra』. The writer will examine his stage of practice with ‘the essence of thusness(如體)·the function of thusness(如用)’, which is based on a very important sentence written by him in the 『Wonhyo’s the Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith』 and also attempt to study the ideas that encompass the whole of Wonhyo’s books by assigning the conventional truth and the middle way from the standpoint of conventional truth to the function of thusness, the absolute truth and the middle way from the standpoint of the absolute truth to the essence of thusness, and the middle way free from dualistic extremes to thusness and compare the ideas of Seung-rang with those of Wonhyo. The stage of ‘production is in fact extinction and extinction is in fact production’ illustrated in the interpretation of one four-line gatha is Wonhyo’s stage of ‘production and extinction are mutual identification(生滅相卽)’ which is ‘production and extinction are not two’ estimated beyond the first of the ten bodhisattva bhumis. Since Seung-rang preaches existence and non-existence are mutual identification and Wonhyo advocates production and extinction are mutual identification, the writer will contemplate the ideas of the two sagely teachers.
目次Ⅰ. 머리말 6

Ⅱ. 승랑의 사상 10

Ⅲ. 원효의 사상 20

Ⅳ. 승랑의 유무상즉과 원효의 생멸상즉 30

Ⅴ. 맺음말 34
ISSN25863843 (P)

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