證嚴法師的教化觀=Dharma Master Cheng Yen's Moral Education |
著者 |
黃文樹 (著)=Huang, Wen-shu (au.)
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.14 |
出版年月日 | 2023.12 |
ページ | 1 - 32 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 證嚴法師=Dharma Master Cheng Yen; 印順法師=Master Yin Shun; 慈濟功德會=Tzu Chi Foundation; 大愛=Selfless Love; 教化觀=moral education |
抄録 | 證嚴法師,1963年禮印順法師(1906-2005)出家,1966年創辦慈濟功德會,以慈善、醫療、教育、人文為四大志業。1991年獲頒「麥格塞塞獎」。2006年成立慈濟宗門,為臺灣佛教宗派發展史再開新頁。她「喚醒了臺灣現代社會對佛教教義所蘊含的同情與施捨心」,被譽為「臺灣經驗中最動人的一章」。本文歸納其教化觀為六項:一、就信念言,秉持為佛教為眾生的精神;二、就旨趣言,啟導信眾無我大愛的心性;三、就形式言,兼採社會宣講與個別點撥;四、就技巧言,運用國臺雙語與故事鋪陳;五、就內容言,融入佛法於日用倫常之教;六、就效應言,體現務實的人間佛教願景。這些教化理念與作法,型塑其個人魅力及風格,寫下了慈濟四大志業波瀾壯闊的史詩。
Dharma Master Cheng Yen was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1963 under Master Yin Shun. She founded the Tzu Chi Foundation in 1966, a Buddhist humanitarian organization with four major missions of charity, medical treatment, education and the humanities. She was honored with the "Ramon Magsaysay Award" in 1991 and the Tzu Chi Philosophy established in 2006 has since developed a new era of Buddhism Schools. She "surfaced the compassion and almsgiving foundational in Buddhist doctrines in modern Taiwanese society" which was honored as "the most touching chapter of Taiwan's experiences". The study separates her moral education into six dimensions: 1. From the perspective of faith, the spirit of Buddhism persists in all people; 2. From the perspective of purpose, it inspires selfless love in followers; 3. From the perspective of behavior, it adopts both social propaganda and individual inspiration; 4. From the perspective of skill, it tells stories in both Chinese and Taiwanese; 5. From the perspective of content, it integrates Buddha Dharma in daily moral education and; 6. From the perspective of effect, it presents a pragmatic Buddha vision on earth. These educational theories create her personal charm and style in writing the magnificent epic of Tzu Chi's four missions. |
目次 | 一、前言 3 二、文獻探討 4
三、證嚴法師的教化觀 8 (一)就信念言,秉持為佛教為眾生的精神 8 (二)就旨趣言,啟導信眾無我大愛的心性 12 (三)就形式言,兼採社會宣講與個別點撥 16 (四)就技巧言,運用國臺雙語與故事鋪陳 19 (五)就內容言,融入佛法於日用倫常之教 22 (六)就效應言,體現務實的人間佛教願景 24
四、結語 27 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 71 |
作成日 | 2024.02.05 |
更新日期 | 2024.02.05 |
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