

The Terms kuṭi and vihāra in Old Javanese Epigraphy and the Modes of Buddhist Monasticism in Early Java
著者 Griffiths, Arlo (著)
掲載誌 Buddhism, Law & Society
ページ143 - 239
出版者University at Buffalo; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
出版サイト https://www.law.buffalo.edu/
出版地Buffalo, NY, US [水牛城, 紐約州, 美國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワードfoundations and endowments; sīma; elibate and non-celibate clerics; Śailendra dynasty; Wanua Tengah III charter; Deśavarṇana
抄録This paper presents the epigraphic evidence relating to the history of Buddhist monasticism in Indonesia, and more particularly on the island of Java. I will discuss the problem of distinguishing Buddhist from non-Buddhist actors and institutions in the epigraphic record, focusing on the terminological distinctions that are relevant in this connection—especially that between kuṭi and vihāra—both of which are used to designate Buddhist institutions. An attempt will be made to extract from the relevant records what can be known about the patronage and naming patterns for monasteries attested in the epigraphic record, about the socio-economic functioning of these institutions at their time, and the fiscal regimes that were in force. To this end, I will analyze the Sanskrit and Old Javanese technical terminology that is used in relation to monastic institutions and attempt to determine whether any difference can be discerned from the contemporary functioning of establishments pertaining to other religions. Finally, I will discuss why explicit mentions of bhikṣus or the saṅgha are so rare, and what this near silence of the sources may mean for the nature of Buddhist monasticism in ancient Java.
目次Abstract 143
Keywords 144
1. Introduction 144
2. Yijing’s Record and the Śrīvijaya Epigraphic Corpus 145
3. About epigraphic sources from Java and Bali 148
4. Inscriptions of the Śailendra dynasty 151
5. Successors of the Śailendra dynasty in the 9th century 154
6. The reigns of Balitung and his successors 162
7. The reign of Sindok 168
8. The period between Sindok’s and Airlangga’s reign 177
9. Two charters from the period of Airlangga’s reign in East Java 180
10. Lists of types of religious establishments 186
11. Monks, priests and the saṅgha 192
12. Conclusions 196
Appendix A. The Wanua Tengah III charter in translation 198
Appendix B. The kuṭis and vihāras of Java and Bali in the Deśavarṇana 209
References 211
Inscriptions of Java 212
Bibliography 218
Figures and Map 226
ISSN24759260 (P); 24759279 (E)

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