巴蜀禪師的「文性」——以圓悟克勤為例=The Literary Gift of Zen Masters in Ba Shu Area |
著者 |
尹邦志 (著)=Yin, Bang-zhi (au.)
掲載誌 |
四川師範大學學報 (社會科學版)=Jounal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Sciences Edition)
巻号 | v.40 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2013.01 |
ページ | 42 - 47 |
出版者 | 四川師範大學學報 (社會科學版)編輯部 |
出版地 | 成都, 中國 [Chengdu, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 尹邦志(1969—),四川彭州人,哲學博士,西南民族大學學報編輯部副研究員,研究方向為中國佛教。 |
キーワード | 巴蜀佛教=Ba Shu Buddhism; 禪宗=Zen; “文性”=literary gift; 馬祖=Ma Zu; 圓悟克勤=Yuanwukeqin |
抄録 | 巴蜀地區文教事業發達,佛學典籍流通廣泛,僧人在文字方面用功甚勤,禪師常常顯示出"文性"。從禪宗的立場來看,"文性"與一般的"講經說法"不同,它指的是借助經典和文字來進行修行的方法的特點。"文性"可能導致"文字障",但通達了禪法的人,又可以"文字般若"對禪進行闡釋,煥發佛法的生機。沒有巴蜀禪師的"文性",中國禪宗史將會改寫。因此,巴蜀禪的"文性"有其宗教貢獻、歷史貢獻和文化貢獻。
Because of the developed culture and education, as well as widely distributed Buddhist books, Buddhism monks in Ba Shu area always put a lot of effort on literary culture and often show off their literary talent. But from the standpoint of Zen, the literary gift of Zen is far from the general expound of Buddhism texts. It is the practice method towards Enlightenment but takes advantage of the classic texts. The literary talent may lead to some kind of barrier for most people while only few remarkable persons who have accessed to the Zen can illuminate the ‘literal wisdom of Zen’and arouse the vitality of Buddhism. If not for this wisdom of Zen masters from Ba Shu, the history of Chinese Zen will be different. Therefore, the literary gift of Ba Shu Zen masters has its religious, historical and cultural contribution to human history |
目次 | 一 巴蜀禪師的“文性” 42 二 文字障 43 三 般若光 44 |
ISSN | 10005315 (P) |
ヒット数 | 18 |
作成日 | 2024.03.07 |
更新日期 | 2024.03.07 |

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