著者 |
蔡欣蕎 (著)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2024.09.27 |
ページ | 27 |
出版者 | 台灣大學佛學研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:國立成功大學中國文學系碩士班三年級 |
キーワード | 勤操=Gonzō; 道慈=Douji; 空海=Kūkai; 三論宗=Sanronshū; 解神話=Demythologisation |
抄録 | 勤操是日本三論宗重要的僧侶,時常出現在日本真言宗開祖空海的相關史料及研究之中,比如《日本紀略》、〈故贈僧正勤操大德影讚並序〉等許多文獻。然而,因為勤操沒有突出的個人論著,因此多數研究者並不清楚為何在日本佛教史上勤操被如此看重。本文多方蒐集分散於不同典籍中的勤操言論、觀點等零散記載,參考前人研究成果,試圖勾勒出勤操在世時參加佛教法會活動的身影、擔任過的僧職,並考索勤操的法脈傳承,往回追溯有道慈、往後傳承有空海等,可以發現勤操與當時活躍的名僧具有近乎同等的地位。本文透過掌握勤操所處的特定時代處境及現實條件,重現勤操的高僧形象,是如何被一步步建構為奈良時代過渡到平安時代的三論宗典範,盡可能全面地梳理勤操的雜學傾向,如何與日本佛教的歷史現象、法脈傳承互相關聯,以闡釋其中蘊而未發的佛教史意義。本文指出,日本三論宗高僧勤操的雜學傾向,與後世空海信仰的神話化,兩者之間具有密不可分的聯繫。本文的研究成果將能照明日本佛教史對於真言宗傳承的未思之處。
Today, when we hear the name of Gonzō, we generally think that he was an important monk of the Sanronshū from the relevant information we came across when conducting research on Kūkai. This view can be found in the official history of Japan like"Shokunihonki" or the well-known It has received support from many documents such as "A praise memorial to a portrait wooden bust of the late Bishop Gonzō ". However, we affirm that Gonzō wasan important monk but cannot clearly understand the reasons why Gonzō wasvalued and we are unable to establish a clear understanding why he was important. The reason is not difficult to understand. The most important thing is that Gonzō had no personal writings. Gonzō's speeches and opinions during his lifetime were scattered and recorded in many different classics. Researchers cannot use works written by Gonzō as primary sources to understand what he was thinking, making it difficult to understand Gonzō's related thoughts and issues. However, even though Gonzō did not leave any personal writings, researchers were able to record his presence in the activities of the Buddhist Dharma Assemblies at that time. It can be seen that he once held different monk positions, and the inheritance of Gonzō is related to many well-known monks that are related to him, such as Douji and Kūkai. He is always being compared with many famous and active monks. Gonzō’s reputation and status of Buddhism at that time should be regarded as equivalent to both of the monks mentioned above. It can even encourage and lead scholars to make up for the inequality of the availability and scarcity of resources from different aspects. This article attempts to use relevant documents and materials not written by Gonzō himself to trace back the inheritance of Gonzō from Gonzō, to get a grasp on certain era, situations, and realistic conditions, to observe how Gonzō is recorded in documents written from the perspective of others, and to explain how Gonzō believes that the concept of Sanron sect as a standard or an indicator of the times that was established during the transition from the Nara period to the Heian period. With regard to the documents that recorded Gonzō, we can understand why Gonzō’s miscellaneous studies have highlighted such kind of phenomena in the history of Japanese Buddhist teaching, and to have more comprehensive understanding of Gonzō’s situation at that time and the works written by later generations, and also to have a discussion of the mythical description of the relationship between Gonzō and Kūkai. |
目次 | 摘要 1 Abstracts 2 一、前言 4 二、三論宗法脈繼承之論述 5 (一)奈良佛教的現實處境 5 (二)大安寺三論宗 8 三、勤操與《虛空藏求聞持法》 12 (一)三論傳有沒有可能 13 (二)如何面對勤操──空海師承關係的歷史矛盾 16 (三)南都六宗到平安,雄見證者 19 四、結語 22 參考文獻 24 |
ヒット数 | 79 |
作成日 | 2024.10.18 |
更新日期 | 2024.10.18 |
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