

藤本晃氏による『倶舎論』業品(98–99偈)の新解釈について=Akira Fujimoto’s New Interpretation of Karma-nirdeśa 98–99 of the Abhidharmakośa­bhāṣya
著者 佐々木閑 (著)=Sasaki, Shizuka (au.)
掲載誌 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū
巻号v.72 n.1 (總號=n.161)
ページ428 - 421
出版サイト http://www.jaibs.jp/
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワードインド仏教変移論; 破僧; saṃghabheda; チャクラベーダ; カルマベーダ; 藤本晃; 俱舎論; 根本説一切有部律; グナプラバ
抄録The author and Fujimoto Akira are currently arguing over the validity of the author’s book, Indo Bukkyō Hen-i Ron インド仏教変移論. In order to settle this arguement, it is necessary to ascertain whether the commentary on the saṃghabheda in the Karma-nirdeśa of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya is referring to the same saṃghabheda case as is narrated in the Kosambakkhandhaka of the Mahāvihāra (Pāli) Vinaya. If the commentary refers to the same case of saṃghabheda as discussed in the Kosambakkhandhaka of the Mahāvihāra Vinaya, then Fujimoto’s theory is correct; if not, mine is correct.

To confirm this point, I examined the original text of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, and an extremely serious fact came to light. Although there is a sentence in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya that clearly indicates that the descriptions of saṃghabheda in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya have nothing to do with the case of saṃghabheda discussed in the Kosambakkhandhaka of the Mahāvihāra Vinaya, when Fujimoto quoted the relevant passage from the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya in his article, he deleted that sentence and presented it as if the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya refers to the case of saṃghabheda in the Kosambakkhandhaka of the Mahāvihāra Vinaya. This is a sign that Japanese Buddhist studies is in danger of falling into a state of academic crisis. Fujimoto’s scholarship should be criticized for its basic stance.

The above discussion is the first disproof to Fujimoto’s theory, and this paper further presents two facts that disprove Fujimoto’s theory.

Disproof 2: Unlike its corresponding parts in the other Vinaya texts, the word saṃghabheda does not appear in the Kośāmbakavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya. Of extant Vinaya texts, it is only in the Kośāmbakavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya that the incident that took place there is not regarded as a saṃghabheda. Therefore, there is no way that the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, which was written in the school that used the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya as their Vinaya, would treat the incident of the Kośāmbakavastu, which is not a saṃghabheda, as a saṃghabheda.

Disproof 3: There are two independent chapters in Gunaprabha’s Vinayasūtra, Cakrabhedavastu and Karmabhedavastu. Their contents support my theory, and there is no mention of anything related to the saṃghabheda case which is same as the case told in the Kosambakkhandhaka of the Mahāvihāra Vinaya.

Based on the above facts, Fujimoto’s theory is totally refuted.
目次〈参考文献〉 421
(一次文献) 421
(二次文献) 421
ISSN00194344 (P); 18840051 (E)

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