A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures |
著者 |
Beal, Samuel
出版年月日 | 1989 |
ページ | 452 |
出版者 | Sri Satguru Publications |
出版地 | New Delhi, India [新德里, 印度] |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | Bibliotheca Iudo-Buddhica Series 62 |
キーワード | 三摩地=三昧=Samadhi; 尼陀那=因緣=Nidana; 布施=宗教捐獻=寺廟募款=Dana=Donation; 地藏菩薩=地藏王菩薩=Kshitigarbha=Jizo Bodhisattva; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 佛教文學=Buddhist Literature; 佛教經典=Buddhist Scriptures=Sutra; 波羅蜜多=paramita; 長行=契經=修多羅=Sutra; 度母=Tara; 般若波羅密多=般若=Prajnaparamita=Prajna=Perfection of Wisdom; 曼陀羅=曼荼羅=壇城=Mandala; 梵唄=佛教音樂=Buddhist Music=bhasa; 維摩詰居士=Vimalakirti |
抄録 | 1871. In this volume Reverend Beal has translated works of Buddhist Literature in order to make them more accessible to a broader audience. This volume includes bits from Avatamsaka, Pindhadana, Lankavatara, Vimalakirti, Dharani, Kshitigarbha, Surangama, Lotus, Mahasahasra-Mandala, Prajnaparamita, Amitabha, Buddhanusmritti-samadhi, Diamond, Suvarna-prabhasa, Mahanidana, and other Sutras, plus various Vinayas and Shastras.The book is divided into the following Parts: Legends and Myths; Buddhism as a Religion; Scholastic Period; Mystic Period; and Decline and Fall. |
ISBN | 1417949201 |
ヒット数 | 1067 |
作成日 | 2006.04.27 |

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