東坡詩的《圓覺》意象與思想=The Yuan Jue Sutra's Images and Thought in Dong Po's Poetry |
著者 |
蕭麗華 (撰)=Hsiao, Li-hua (compose)
掲載誌 |
佛學研究中心學報=Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2006.06 |
ページ | 183 - 200 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:臺灣大學中文系 |
キーワード | 圓覺經=Yuan Jue Sutra; 東坡=Dong Po; 蘇軾=Su Shih; 宋詩=Song Dynasty 's Poetry; 意象=image |
抄録 | 《圓覺經》自唐宋密宗大力宏傳以來,對中國文人與禪宗叢林影響深遠,自中唐以降至兩宋期間,一直是禪者研修的重要典籍,其中顯示的修行途徑,處處妙合禪法,直顯圓滿覺悟之心,是佛陀「入於神通大光明三昧正受」時所講的大圓鏡智,也是文殊、普賢等十二位菩薩宣說的圓覺妙理與觀行法門,可說是經中法王。 《圓覺經》中重要法門與象徵如「清靜摩尼寶珠」、「大光明藏」、「幻翳空華」、「如幻三昧」...等,對蘇軾詩文意象有豐富的影響。如蘇詩〈北寺悟空禪師塔〉云:「空裡浮花夢裡身」,用的是《圓覺經》「幻翳空華」的觀念;〈次韻吳傳正枯木歌〉云:「萬象入我摩尼珠」,用的是《圓覺經》「清靜摩尼寶珠」的觀念等等。本論文的目在藉由東坡詩來彰顯《圓覺經》重要禪法,同時也藉《圓覺經》來突顯東坡詩禪,期望藉此研究過程,爬梳東坡詩中的佛經意象,釐清《圓覺經》在中唐以後對北宋詩歌的影響,達成詩歌史與佛教史雙向的觀察研究。
"Yuan Jue" Sutre made a profound influence on Chinese scholars and Zen since it was advertised by Zong Mi , a master of Middle Tang Dynasty. It always is the important ancient book which people practice Buddhist rules. It shows the way of pious life and directly reveals heart of the complete consciousness. It is the words of wonderful principle that Buddha says in a magical powers and a greatly bright secret time. Also is the words of good method said from Wen Shu, Pu Xian and so on 12 Bodhisattvas. We can call it the king of Dharma in Sutre . The important methods and symbols of "Yuan Jue" Sutre are like “Purely clean Mani jewel”, “Greatly bright scriptures”, “Imaginary nebula and flowers in the sky ”, “ imaginary secret” ... and so on,there are rich influence on the images in Su Shih 's Poetry and prose. I expect to take advantage of this research and reorganize the images of Buddhist literature with the process of studying Su Shih 's Poetry and show the context of Zen in Su Shih 's Poetry. It’s also my purpose to make sure of the influences of "Yuan Jue" Sutre in the poetry of Tang and Northern Song Dynasty. Finally, I hope to achieve the bidirectional observation of poetry history and the Buddhism history. |
目次 | 一、前言 187 二、宋代華嚴禪的走向與《圓覺經》的流行 190 三、東坡詩化用《圓覺》思想與意象的幾個重心 194 四、結論 198 |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
ヒット数 | 3817 |
作成日 | 2006.12.11 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.03 |

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