

Mindful Politics: A Buddhist Guide to Making the World a Better Place
著者 McLeod, Melvin
出版者Wisdom Publications
出版サイト http://www.wisdompubs.org/index.lasso
出版地Boston, MA, US [波士頓, 麻薩諸塞州, 美國]
キーワードBuddhism and politics
抄録Mindful Politics goes beyond right or left to get to the heart of what matters, and how anyone can participate in real political change.

目次Introduction 9
A New Approach to Global Problems 17
The Dalai Lama on universal responsibility
Be Peace Embodied 29
Charles R. Johnson on principles of mindful politics
Call Me By My True Names 39
Thich Nhat Hanh on the oneness of all beings
Wego 45
David Loy on the social roots of suffering
Buddhism and the Politics of Domination 57
bell hooks on Buddhism's response to racism, imperialism, and sexism
The Buddha's Politics 65
Reginald A. Ray on politics as a spiritual path
Joining Heaven and Earth 77
Jerry Brown, Bernie Glassman, and James Gimian
on lofty ideals versus hard realities
Creating Enlightened Society 89
Fabrice Midal on the Shambhala teachings of Ch¿gyam Trungpa
The Discovery of Basic Goodness 99
Ch¿gyam Trungpa on appreciating our lives and serving the world
Nowhere to Spit 105
Peter Coyote, David Kaczynski, Jan Willis, Noah Levine, Ken Jones,
Richard Reoch, Alan Senauke, and Charles G. Lief offer eight views
on the practice of politics
Section Two: Practice
Three Means to Peace 121
Joseph Goldstein on mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom
We Have the Compassion and Understanding
Necessary to Heal the World 129
Thich Nhat Hanh addresses members of Congress
The Power of Patience 141
Pema Ch¿dr¿n on the antidote to escalation
Giving and Taking 149
Gehlek Rinpoche on a practice to develop compassion
The Political Precepts 159
The fourteen mindfulnesses of the Order of Interbeing
Beyond Us and Them 165
Ken Jones on dissolving enmity
The Path to Forgiveness 171
Ezra Bayda on healing resentment and breaking the cycle of revenge
The Buddha's Advice on Healing the Community 181
Thanissaro Bhikkhu on reconciliation
Four Freedoms 189
Margaret Wheatley on not losing heart in a heartless world
Section Three: Action
Agent in Indra's Net 199
Stephanie Kaza on environmentalism
Gross National Happiness 211
Jigme Thinley on economics
The Wisdom in the Anger 223
Rita M. Gross on feminism
Taking Whole: The Art of Less War 237
James Gimian on working with conflict
Letter to a Dictator 249
Seung Sahn on leadership
No Color, All Colors 259
Gaylon Ferguson on racism
Compassion Is Our Best Protection 271
Thich Nhat Hanh on defense and foreign policy
A Buddhist Response to Globalization 283
Sulak Sivaraksa on the global economy
Killing the Buddha 291
Sam Harris on the politics of religion
Four Truths & Ten Laws 299
Kazuaki Tanahashi on the principles and strategies of mindful citizenship
Contributors 301
ISBN0861712986; 9780861712984

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