

A Comparative Study of min in Theravada Buddhism and Western Ancient Philosophy
著者 Rachen Dhammakamo
出版者Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
出版サイト http://www.mcu.ac.th/En/index.php
出版地Bangkok, Thailand [曼谷, 泰國]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
言語英文=English; 泰文=Thai
学校Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
抄録 Philosophy, it can be said that, is the first science of the World. The process of philosophical knowledge is reasonable on its grounds. The significance of philosophical knowledge can be classified into two main ideas :-
(i) To realise the World or the Universe.
(ii) To guide philosophers in attaining the higher realization. It is said that philosophers in the different periods of times, tried hard to find out the highest realities, and instructed what they discovered to human beings in order to make them understand those realities. Summarily philosophers can be grouped in two types according to what backgrounds they stand on as follows :-
i) Some groups found out the reality in the Matter and emphasized on the material reality by proving the pure material thing as the first element of the Matter.
ii) The other groups opposited to the formers in emphasising the Super Reality of the world as the Mind or Consciousness.
In this research, I brought the main teachings in Buddhism especially in the case of Mind or Consciousness divided as Wholesome Consciousness (Kusala Citta), Unwholesome Consciousness (Akusala citta) and Resultant Consciousness (Vipaka Citta). According to the teachings of the Buddha, the Consciousness always appears in Tipitaka as the main teaching. To compare the ideas of Mind in the Ancient Western Philosophy with that of Buddhism, according to my opinion, both ideas are quite similar to each other in the ground of dualism but different in the process of the development of Mind to reach the supreme goal.
It is found in this research that in Tipitaka or wherever the doctrines; the lower or the higher, are analysed, all ideas have been found mostly on the doctrine of the Mind or Consciousness.
It is impossible to bring all teachings of the Buddha for the case study. It’s just only brought some important topics on the teaching of Consciousness both in Buddhism and Western Philosophy because the researcher is not in the position to praise which ideas are better than another, or to blamed which are the worse. But the researcher wants to show those ideas actually as appeared in the texts only.
The researcher has an idea that two branches of these ideas either Buddhism or Western Philosophy try to define the Absolute Reality of the World, Consciousness as it naturally appears. Students can further compare these teachings of both schools.
The beginning realization or the real knowledge of the Reality of Consciousness; then, shall make them reach at least 50 percent of the whole realities. This will be the benefit for further study of philosophy of mind or Consciousness.

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