西北印的“龍族”與大乘經典的起源=The Clan of Dragon of The North-West India andThe Origin Sources of Mahāyāna-Sūtra |
著者 |
賴鵬舉 (著)=Lai, Peng-ju (au.)
掲載誌 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
巻号 | n.5 (總號=n.99) |
出版年月日 | 2006.10 |
ページ | 71 - 77,115 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 西北印; 龍族; 龍樹; 大龍菩薩; 龍宮; 男龍; 女龍; 子龍 |
抄録 | 根據佛教文獻的記載,二千五百年前佛在世時有一種動物謂之“龍”,其形介於人與獸之間,有近於人之五官手足、家庭與社會組織,且可與人通婚、生子。龍族的分佈主要在西北印———現巴基斯坦的地區。因龍長壽,故佛世之經典,尤其是大乘經典皆寄託龍族,藏於其王之宮中而得以留傳後世。依5 世紀初羅什所傳出的史料,佛教史上最重要的大乘學者龍樹最初接觸大乘經典即是透過龍族的一位大乘佛教徒謂之“大龍菩薩”,所見經典即藏于龍王宮中。故“龍族”的存在已否直接涉及了大乘佛教起源的人物與經典。筆者1995 年至巴基斯坦作佛教學術考察時,有幸在其北部地區收集到三件完整的龍族泥塑造像,一件為男龍,兩件為龍夫妻。男龍五官四肢與先前文獻所述相近,惟一張大嘴是其特色。另由二件夫妻之龍族,則可見其家庭之組織與人相近。三件造像皆有兩足,可見龍族主要活動的領域皆在陸地,而非想像的水中。筆者另在巴基斯坦北部的Swat 博物館看到一件紀元前後佛教藏經卷的陶瓶破片,其上彩繪供養人的造型就是一位元元元元龍族。由上述四件巴基斯坦史前龍族的造像,可知佛教文獻所記載佛世的龍族並非僅止於傳說。且佛教史研究上所存在最大的一個問題,即大乘佛教起源的探討也可得到一個適當的切入點。
According to the Buddhist writing records, 2500 years ago when the Buddha alive, there was living a sort of animal named Dragon. Dragon was described as a type of creature of a half-men and a half-animal bearing assimilate to human being’s face and hands and feet, and have family life and society structure. Dragon could marry to human being and have they own offspring. The clan of Dragon were mainly scattered over an area of the north-west India, now known as at Pakistan nowadays. Because dragon were believed to be a type of longevity animal so that all of the Buddhist sacred scriptures, especially Mahāyāna-Sūtra had been placed in the clan of dragon’s custody to make sure of its safety and can be handed to next generations. According to authentic historic record that were compiled by Kumārajīva, Nagarjuna, the most important Mahāyāna scholar, had his first chance to get touch with Mahāyāna-Sūtra via one of the Mahāyāna disciple out of the clan of dragon, namely "Bodhisattva of A Big Dragon" , and what he had read all out of the dragon palace. So, the fact that whether the clan of dragon exist or not had direct connection with the important Mahāyāna scholar and the true exist Mahāyāna classics texts. Fortunately, the author had collected three wholesome of clay sculpture of the clan of dragon while the author making a academic visit to the northern part of Pakistan in 1995. Author had found another fragment of pottery unearthed from the northern part of Pakistan which belongs to part of the pottery holder of Buddhist scripture that was dating around the first century in the collection of The Swat Museum. By study of above mentioned 4 pieces of articles, author believes that the clan of dragon which must not only legendary tale. |
目次 | 一.羅什《龍樹傳》中大乘經典的“龍族”起源說 二.歷代高僧遊記中有關“龍族”的記載 1.區支國龍池 2.跋祿迦國有暴龍 3.迦畢試國大雪山龍池 4.那揭羅曷國之小石嶺佛影窟 5.烏仗那國龍族 6.迦濕彌羅護國龍族 7.商彌國波謎羅川大龍池 8.瞿薩旦那國之鼓池 三.“雪山”四周出土的紀元前後“龍族”造像 四.紀元後大乘經典的流傳圍繞在“雪山”四周及其對後世大乘佛教的影響 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1314 |
作成日 | 2008.07.18 |
更新日期 | 2018.04.16 |

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