中國佛教慈悲理念的特質及其現代意義=Characteristics and Modern Significance of Benevolence Conviction of Chinese Buddhism |
著者 |
方立天 (著)=Fang, Li-tian (au.)
掲載誌 |
文史哲=Journal of literature, history and philosophy
巻号 | n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2004 |
ページ | 68 - 72 |
出版者 | 山東大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 濟南, 中國 [Chinan, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 佛教=Buddhism; 慈悲=Benevolence and Sympathy; 布施=Donations; 觀音=Avalokitesvara(Guanyin); 人本思想=Humanism |
抄録 | 慈悲是佛教文化的重要理念,被視為佛道的根本。慈悲理念的哲學基礎是"緣起論",慈悲思想的含義簡言之為"與樂祓苦",其善行要點為佈施、不殺生,其神格形象為阿彌陀佛、觀音菩薩、地藏菩薩,其內在的本質為解脫眾生、成就佛果。慈悲理念的現代意義為:有助於國民素質的提升、有助於維護世界和平和人類安全、有助於生態平衡與經濟可持續發展。
Benevolence and Sympathy are two important concepts in Buddhism culture,and are regarded as the fundamental principle both of Buddhism and the Taoist School.These two concepts are based on the theory of "dependent originations".With an explanation of this theory,the article discusses the significations,types,levels and key practical items of Benevolence and Sympathy,as well as the visualization and role determination of Amitabha,Avalokitesvara and Ksitigarbhain who help and rescue the world through their Benevolence and Sympathy. It also analyzes the inherent characters of the concepts of Benevolence and Sympathy, pointing out the thoughts about humanistic principle, altruism and equality embodied in the two concepts respectively similar with the popular humanism, collectivism and philanthropy. And at last, the article asserts that the concepts of Benevolence and Sympathy have the modem significations to enhance the human equality of the mass, help maintaining the peace of the world and advance the work of ecological balance.
目次 | 一.慈悲理念的哲學基礎 68 二.慈悲理念的思想含義 69 三.慈悲理念的善行要點 70 四.慈悲理念的形象創造 70 五.慈悲理念的內在特質 71 六.慈悲理念的現代意義 72 |
ISSN | 05114721 (P); 05114721 (E) |
ヒット数 | 1303 |
作成日 | 2008.10.31 |
更新日期 | 2019.10.22 |
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