

21st Century World and Humanistic Buddhism
著者 Ven. Anoja
掲載誌 世界佛教論壇論文集(第2屆)
ページ211 - 225
出版者世界佛教論壇籌備辦公室=Preparatory Office of the World Buddhist Forum
出版地北京, 中國 [Beijing, China]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート佛教的傳播與民族性=The Spread National Characteristics of Buddhism
抄録21st Century World is characterized by extremities and complexities in the thoughts and practices of people. Really today's world is complex matrix of people of different races, regions, faiths and religions. Different languages, types of governments, traditions and cultures, economies and technological advancements have developed various organizations which have constant interactions and influences of one upon another. The world has been facing problems and chaos due to materialistic attitude of worldly beings at the cost of spiritualism. Modern day science and technology have been able to provide comfortable life to people, but the advancement has failed to enter deep into human mind to give peace and happiness to them. The challenges modern people facing are to achieve peace and tranquility of mind and true happiness.It is strongly felt the need of creating an inspiring environment for a change of heart in people by every good means."Change of hearts of people" is not possible overnight but it can be achieved gradually with sustained efforts, effective means and ways by imparting the Buddha's teachings of loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic joy and equanimity.Shakyamuni, the Buddha taught that all beings contain within themselves the seeds of enlightenment which could be germinated only by eliminating ignorance. The timeless messages of the Buddha inspire people to make endeavour to learn 'dharma' in true sense and practice 'living in awareness' every moment. Such a living surely helps people realise the reality and truth of life by which they will be able to get rid of ignorance leading to enlightened, happy and successful living.It is desired that people working in the field of social service and propagation of 'Dharma' in true sense, play an important role to inspire people to respond positively to the need to improve inner self and outer social environment.Religious and social workers while working for the cause of entire humanity should be able to bear in mind the necessity to discuss emotions, morality and ethics, relationship with family and society, government, globalism, nature and environment which have impact on individual overall personality.For a well desired and fruitful result they should be very much conscious of above points while choosing activities that should cover wider areas.We have a strong belief that Buddhism should be regarded as a 'dharma' a living dharma, the integral part of daily life situation. Practice of Buddhism should be linked with direct experience rather than with scholastic learning and conventional ritualistic religion.In the countries with the diversities in race, culture, tradition, religious faith, language and physical structure, we should have policy to work for unity in diversity, communal harmony and peace to eradicate any type or form of communal and sectarian conflict and division.

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