

The Poetic Worlds of Zukui Jifu, an Eminent Nun of 17th-Century China=17世紀的中國傑出比丘尼 -- 祖揆濟符的詩學世界
著者 Grant, Beata (著)=管佩達 (au.)
掲載誌 國際佛教善女人大會(第11屆)=Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women(11th)
出版者Sakyadhita: the international association of buddhist women
出版サイト http://www.sakyadhita.org/
出版地HCM City, Vietnam [胡志明市, 越南]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
ノート會議地點:越南胡志明市;時間:2009.12.18 - 2010.01.03;大會主題:傑出的女性修行者與典範=Eminent Buddhist Women
抄録In China, the form of Buddhism known as Chan (Zen) was well known for insisting that liberation could only be found beyond words and language, emerging from prajna, or enlightened wisdom. At the same time, Chan Buddhists were known for making deft use of words and language, especially poetic words and paradoxical language. In Chinese Buddhist history, most of these eminent masters were male, but from the 12th-century onward, there were also a handful of officially-recognized women Chan masters who composed Dharma talks, letters, eulogies, and poems. This paper introduces the poetry of one of these woman Chan master, the eminent nun Zukui Jifu.

Zukui Jifu was born in Jiangsu province sometime in the early 17th century. Her family name was Li and, even as a young girl, she was known for her precocious intelligence and literary talent. What was unusual was not only that she became an eminent nun, but also an officially-designated Chan master and one of a handful of women Dharma successors of the well-known male Linji Chan (Zen) master, Tuiweng Hongchu (1605-72). She served as abbess at two major convents in the Hangzhou area and was the author of a collection of writings, including Dharma talks, letters, eulogies and poems. In addition, she and one of her Dharma-sisters, Chan master Baochi Jizong, compiled a collection of gathas (short poems) to “harmonize with” gathas written by an eminent nun from the Song dynasty, Miaozong (1095-1170). All three of these collections were printed and appear to have circulated fairly widely. Fortunately, they were also included in what is known as the Jiaxing Tripitaka, a privately-printed edition of the Buddhist canon. If the literati-laymen who were the editors of this canon had not decided to include Zukui Jifu's collections, together with collections by six other women Chan masters of this period, they may well have been lost, along with any trace that such women ever existed.


祖揆濟符出生於17世紀初的江蘇,俗姓李,她的早慧及文學天賦自幼即廣為人知。特別的是她不僅是一名傑出的僧尼,同時也是官方指派的禪師,亦是著名以男性為主的臨濟宗(Linji)禪師繼起弘儲(Tuiweng Hongchu)(1605-72)的少數女性法嗣之一。她是杭州地區兩所主要僧尼院的住持之一,也是許多文學作品的集結者,包含了法語、書信、讚頌及詩詞。此外,她和師出同門的禪師寶持玄總(Baochi Jizong),一起匯編了讚頌詩,亦可稱為偈,來與宋朝傑出尼眾Miaozong(1095-1170)所寫的偈頌相呼應。這三人的偈頌匯集被出版印製,並流通於世界各地。幸運的是,她們的作品也被列入嘉興藏(Jiaxing Tripitaka)中─一部私人印製出版的佛典。若當初那些編輯嘉興藏的文人居士們,沒有把祖揆濟符和其他同時期的六名女性禪師的作品列入其中,它們也許就此散佚,沒有任何記錄可以證明這樣的女性確實存在。

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