著者 |
掲載誌 |
國際佛學研究=The Annual of International Buddhistic Studies
巻号 | n.2 |
出版年月日 | 1992.12 |
ページ | 123 - 140 |
出版者 | 靈鷲山般若文教基金會國際佛學研究中心 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 格義; 詮釋學; 六家七宗; 先見 |
抄録 | 早期中土僧界名流,譯述講論佛經,多有「以經中事數 ,擬配外書,著為條例,以便曉悟徒眾」的「格義」一法, 但不久就被視為「於理多違」而廢棄不用; 而後人也一致認 為「格義」只是權宜措施,無甚可議. 然而,我們考察佛學 源流,卻發現所傳不是「事實」. 當時凡是聲明不用「格義 」的,都不自覺的在用「格義」; 即使跟「格義」並時分流 的「六家七宗」論說,或稍後流行於南北的各家師說,或隋 唐時興起的諸多宗派教義,也都不能脫離這習套. 因「 格義」所格量的「外書」,就是當今詮釋學所說的「先見」 . 「先見」可以修正或擴充,卻不能拋棄; 拋棄了「先見」 ,也就無從理解和傳說. 因此,「格義」就不止是一種接引 的法門,也是理解外學的必經途徑.
本文就是從這個角度,來探討「格義」這方法學的正 當性和必要性. 而行文的順序是,先說明「格義」學的現象 及其迴響; 其次就「格義」學後的發展尋繹出該方法仍被使 用; 最後依據詮譯學理論判斷「格義」學在現代仍具意義 . 至於論題中的「現代」和「歷史」分列,只是為方便論 說,實際上並沒可加以區別的各自專屬的特性.
When Buddhism first arrived in China, the translation of Buddhist scriptures was made by monks through the way of "Ko-yi" or matching concepts, they "attached the enumeration or conditions of Buddhism to those of other texts, and arranged them into doctrines for teaching people. "But soon they discarded the way of "Ko-yi" for it is nothing but an expedient measure and results in "misunderstanding of meaning. "
However,if we check the development of the Buddhism carefully,we can find that the idea described above is not the truth. Even the masters of the seven early Buddhist Schools in Southern and Northern Dynasties, and all the patriarches, in Tang Dynasty,they always applied this method to explain Buddhism. The other texts what they attached to be similar to the "pre-judice" or "pre-understanding" of contemporary hermeneutics. The pre-judice could be revised at any time,but it is impossible for their understanding without pre-judice. It is true that the method of "Ko-yi" is necessary for their understanding and introducing what is Buddhism.
Therefore,this article will study the legitimacy and necessity of the methodology of "Ko-yi." Firstly,the phenomena of matching concepts and its respondance is explained. Secondary,it can be found that this method is still in use for the development of Buddhism. Finally,I will find out the contemporary significance of matching concepts from the view-point of hermeneutic theory. By the way,there is no strict difference between "contemporary" and "history" here,they are only used for the convenience of discussion. |
ヒット数 | 481 |
作成日 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2023.11.14 |

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