

Women in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in the Mahayana Tradition
著者 Paul, Diana Y. ; Wilson, Frances ; Horner, I. B.
出版者University of California Press
出版サイト http://www.ucpress.edu/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
ノート2nd edition
キーワードBuddhist Women; Women in the Tripitaka; Mahayana Buddhism
抄録"In seeking to explore the interrelationships between, and mutual influence of, varieties of sexual stereotypes and religious views of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, Women in Buddhism succeeds in drawing our attention to matters of philosophical importance. Paul examines the 'image' of women which arise in a number of Buddhist texts associated with Mahayana and finds that, while ideally the tradition purports to be egalitarian, in actual practice it often betrayed a strong misogynist prejudice. Sanskrit and Chinese texts are organized by theme and type, progressing from those which treat the traditionally orthodox and negative to those which set forth a positive consideration of soteriological paths for women. . . . In Women in Buddhism, Diana Paul may be forcing our consideration of the problem of female enlightenment. Thus the main purport and accomplishment of her scholarship is revolutionary."—Philosophy East and West
目次Preface to the Second Edition ix
Foreword xv
Acknowledgments xvii
Introduction xix

PART I. Traditional Views of Women

Chapter 1. "Temptress," Daughter of Evil 3
A. Introduction to The Sutra of the Buddha Teaching the Seven Daughters 11
B. Introduction to "The Tale of King Udayana of Vatsa" from The Collection of Jewels 25

Chapter 2. The Mother 60
Introduction to The Sutra of the Child and His Five Mothers 67

PART II. Paths for Women Leading to Salvation

Chapter 3. The Nun 77
A. Introduction to "Nuns: The Stating of the Matter" from The Book of the Discipline 80
B. Introduction to "The Nun by the Name Lion-Yawn" from The Harmony of the Young Sapling Sutra 94

Chapter 4. "Good Daughter" and "Good Friend": Teachers of the Dharma 106
A. Introduction to Selections from the Loturs Sutra 111
B. Introduction to "Sadaprarudita and the Merchant's Daughter" from The Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses 115
General Introduction to "Asa," "Prabhuta," and "Vasumitra" from The Harmany of the Young Sapling Sutra 134
C. Introduction to "Asa" 137
D. Introduction to "Prabhuta" 144
E. Introduction to "Vasumitra" 155

Chapter 5. The Bodhisattvas with Sexual Transformation 166
A. Introduction to "The Goddess of the Ganges" from The Sutra of the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Verses 180
B. Introduction to "The Naga Princess" from the Lotus Sutra 185
C. Introduction to The Sutra of the Dialogue of the Girl Candrottara 190
D. Introduction to "Questions Concerning the Daughter Sumati from The Collection of Jewels 199

Chapter 6. The Bodhisattvas Without Sexual Transformation 217
A. Introduction to Selections from The Sutra of the Teaching of Vimalakirli 221
B. Introduction to "Jewel Brocade Receives the Prediciton" from the Sutra of Sagara, the Naga King 232

PART III. Images of the Feminine

Chapter 7. The Celestial Bodhisattva: Kuan-yin 247
A. Introduction to the "Kuan-yin Sutra" from the Lotus Sutra 254
B. Introduction to The Sutra of the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin(Who Explains) the Conditions to Be Born in Pure Land 256

Chapter 8. A Female Buddha? 281
Introduction to Selection from The Sutra of Queen Srimala Who Had the Lion's Roar 289

Conclusions 303
Glossary 312
Bibliography 321
Index 329
ISBN0520054288 (pbk); 9780520054455; 9780520054288

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