蕅益智旭思想的特質及其定位問題=The Characteristics of Ou-yi Zhi-xu's Thought and an Appraisal of His Status |
著者 |
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
掲載誌 |
中國文哲研究集刊=Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 1996.03.01 |
ページ | 227 - 256 |
出版者 | 中央研究院中國文哲研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 台北中華佛學研究所副研究員 |
キーワード | 理體=Liti; 心性=Xinxing; 思想=Shih-hsiang; 蕅益智旭=Ou-yi Zhi-xu |
抄録 | 蕅益智旭(1599 ~ 1655),乃明末清初之宗教思想家,由於其學說極為廣博,所涉及層面含括了佛教之禪、淨、律、密教(包含天台、華嚴、唯識宗),可說集佛教諸宗諸派於一身。如此位博學多聞,持戒謹嚴,禪淨雙修的人物,其理論學說基礎何在?具備何種特質?此乃本文所探討之核心。且由於其涉獵層面極廣,導致學界對其定位有種種不同之看法,而欲釐清此紛爭,亦須由智旭思想本身著手。 故本文分兩方面來探討,首先論述智旭思想之特質,進而探討智旭定位之問題。 就智旭思想特質而論,智旭思想基本上承自於唐宋以來的理體觀念,此觀念運之於觀行上,即是吾人現前一念心性。因此,本文是以理體論和心性說來闡述智旭思想特質。 就智旭定位問題而論,主就一般之看法和聖嚴法師之研究來探討。然經筆者對智旭之研究,得知將智旭定位於某宗某派上,是有問題的。因此,針對此問題而加以析判之。
Ou-yi Zhi-xu(1599-1655) a religious of the late Ming, early Qing period, combined various Buddhist schools of thought and lineages to develop a religious system of thought that incorporates Chan, Pureland, Vinaya, and Esoteric schools of thought as well as Tientai, Huayan, and Yogacara. Given his erudition, adherence to precepts, and the joint practice of both Chan and Pureland that Ou-yi Zhi-xu cultivated, what then is the major underpinning of the system of thought which he developed? What particular characteristics does this system have? These are two of the questions this article wishes to address. Owing to the fact that Ou-yi Zhi-xu's system of thought is quite broad and comprehensive in scope, this has led to a dispute among contemporary scholars as to the position he holds vis-a-vis various Buddhist schools. In order to further contribute to this discussion we must first look at Ou-yi Zhi-xu's own writings. Therefore, this article will be divided into two sections. The first secton will discuss the special characteristics of Ou-yi Zhi-xu's thought while the second section will be devoted to an appraisal of his status and position within Chinese Buddhism. In discussing the characteristics of Ou-yi Zhi-xu's thought, it is apparent that his way of thinking is based on the Tang and Song concept of Liti. This concept is one Ou-yi Zhi-xu employed in his practice through the use of Yi-nian xin(一念心)(or concentrating the mind). Therefore this article will elaborate on Ou-yi Zhi-xu's conception of litixin and xinxingshuo. In examining Ou-yi Zhi-xu's position within Chinese Buddhism, emphasis will be placed on discussing the assessment of his position by other scholars in the field, especially the Venerable Master Sheng-yen. However, according to the research done by this writer, positioning Ou-yi Zhi-xu vis a vis one school or lineage is indeed problematic. Therefore, this article will address this problem and make a further analysis. |
目次 | 一、前言 227 二、智旭思想特質 229 (一) 理體論 229 (二) 心性說 237 三、智旭思想之定位 244 (一) 一般之看法 244 (二) 聖嚴法師之研究 247 (三) 定位問題之析判 250
ISSN | 10176462 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1831 |
作成日 | 1998.04.28
更新日期 | 2019.07.23 |
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