

Teachings From the Heart
著者 Tulku, Tarthang
出版者Dharma Publishing
出版サイト http://www.dharmapublishing.com/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
キーワードIntroduction to Buddhism
抄録This is a book on Tarthang Rinpoche's thoughts on mind, human freedom, the exercise of knowledge in time and
space, meditation, and awakening to the Dharma. Taken from introductions to Dharma Publishing books, interviews given over a
29 year span, and articles, this book gathers together the thoughts and insights of a pioneer of Buddhism in the West.
From the chapter "Harmonizing Body with Mind,": To reestablish contact with the body, we need to touch our deepest feelings.
Doing this requires patience as well as compassion. Accustomed to ignoring the body's subtle communications, the mind grasps
stronger sensations so roughly that more subtle feelings scatter before it. Unless we train our minds to be more gentle, we
may never be able to penetrate the deeper levels of our own experience. To open inner channels of communication that now lie
hidden and forgotten, we must discover new ways of linking body and mind. When we observe the flow of our energy as we go
about our daily activities, we can feel what supports energy at a steady level and what drains it. We may see how excitement
and tension draw energy outward and compel us to respond. By turning our attention inward, we can touch a softer, more
subtle side of our senses and learn to listen to a quieter, more knowing voice. Attentive to our inner responses, we begin
to communicate more fully with our deeper feelings. At the first sign of agitation, we can sink into the sensation. Gently
we can question ourselves: Why am I responding this way? How did this feeling arise? Are other responses possible?" When we
ask such questions in a relaxed manner, we gain a fresh, direct look into our thoughts. With practice in listening to the
soft knowing quality that responds to our inquiries, we might find a true and honest friend, a part of our mind that has
been patiently awaiting recognition. This same gentle way of exploring gives us access to our bodies as well. Simply
listening to our own heartbeat can comfort us and evoke feelings of deep stability. Sensing the flow of breath, we can feel
its energy spread throughout the body to nourish and soothe every cell, dissipating tension and impatience. Listening to the
resonance of our own voice, we will know when the words we use to express our thoughts touch the feelings locked in our
hearts. In time we will find words that evoke a depth of feeling that suffuses body and mind with joyful appreciation.
ISBN0898002796 (pbk); 0898003032 (hc)

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