毗尼研究方法舉隅 : 個人研律經驗談=How to Study the Vinaya:A Few Personal Experiences in Doing Vinaya Research |
著者 |
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hui (au.)
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.3 |
出版年月日 | 1999 |
ページ | 22 - 56 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | -613 |
キーワード | 毗尼; 律學; 學律中道; 局外人; 局內人; 現前毗尼; 輾轉相諫 |
抄録 | 華人佛教普遍面對戒律的兩極化現象:不是瑣屑嚴苛的教條主義,就是太過寬泛的自由心證. 此中「不著二邊的中道」究何所在? 本文即為探索「學律中道」而作.
在本文中,以筆者之學律,寫律,教律過程為主軸,羅列印順導師所倡導的「以佛法研究佛法」,符合「無常無我」法則的史學研究法,以弘一大師為代表人物的傳統宗派研究法,以僧團為田野場址的人類學研究法,及涉及倫理學,政治學,法律學,社會學與心理學的多向度研究法; 並儘量以筆者已撰論文為實例,解析此諸方法的實際操作方式. 其中牽涉到傳統宗派研究法與印公史學研究法之部分,特別比較其關鍵性之異同所在.
一門學問可以有無限向度開展的可能性. 即使如上所述之研究方法,羅列得如此多樣,但也並未窮盡所有的研究法.
研律大可不必以局外人 (outsider) 自居,局內人 (insider) 自有其更寬闊的視野與更生動的學術題材. Insider 不是「能不能作學術研究」的問題所在,問題在 insider 有沒問題意識? 有沒批判精神? 倘若具足問題意識,觸處都是學術題材; 倘若具足批判精神,則所有批判都將是一針見血,因一些隱微而重要的關鍵點,只有 insider 才有機會看出端倪.
When it comes to the vinaya, the Chinese Buddhist communityis polarized. On one hand you find a pedantic adherence to the most trifling details of the rules, on the other a more than freewheeling attitude which professes only interest in the individual's understanding.
Focusing on personal experience in researching,teaching,and writing on the vinaya, the present author gives an overview of Ven. Yin-shun's idea of "studying buddhadharma through buddhadharma",a historical method which tallies with the principles of impermanence and selflessness, the traditional sectarian approach as exemplified by Master Hung-i,anthropology for which the sangha is the object of field research, and a multi-pronged approach utilizing ethics, political science,law,sociology as well as psychology. Already published papers by the present writer are adduced as much as possible to serve as examples in order to explain the actual implementation of these methods. A comparison of the crucial differences between the traditional sectarian approach and master Yin-shun's historical method is offered.
Any science can be developed in limitless aspects. Thus even all the methods mentioned above do not include every possibility.
When studying the vinaya, it is by no means important to label oneself proudly an outsider. Insiders do not only have a broader view,but discover also more interesting topics. It is not a question of whether the insider is in a position to do academic research or not. The real question is whether the insider is able to identify problems and has a critical attitude. If he or she is able to identify problems, then material for academic research is offering itself everywhere; if the attitude is a critical one,then every comment will be right to the point,because some hidden but important facts are only visible to the insider. |
目次 | 一. 前言 二. 初期學律之背景與困境 三. 印順導師:「以佛法研究佛法」 四. 善用史學研究法 五. 傳統宗派治學法 -- 以弘一大師為例 (一) 從有部律到南山宗 (二) 專弘《四分律》後 六. 對傳統宗派治學法之拙見 七. 教學相長的喜樂 八. 由研究室到僧團的 「田野場址」 九. 局外人 (outsider) 與局內人 (insider) 十. 倫理學,政治學,法律學,社會學與心理學 十一. 結論 |
ヒット数 | 1485 |
作成日 | 1999.11.20; 2002.07.10
更新日期 | 2017.08.23 |
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