

The Sukhavati of Religion and the Sukhavati of Philosophy=宗教的淨土與哲學的淨土
著者 Li, Tu (著)=李杜 (au.)
掲載誌 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
ページ152 - 153
出版者法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁85.
キーワードLi, Tu; 李杜
抄録The term "sukhavati" is used by the Pure-land Sect of Buddhism to indicate the special emphasis it places on the conviction in sukhavati. The sect also stresses the importance of praying to Amitabha, asking for his special mercy to help the prayers, the Buddhists, to come to the pure-land to attain the highest happiness through a religious life of this world. The conviction in sukhavati is not only emphasized by the sect of Pure-land,but it is also given immense concern by other sects, such as Ti'en-tai,Hua-yan,Mere Ideation,and Zen. "Sukhavati is of concern to the three Mahayanas". Their difference lies in the ways of how to guide their followers, the Buddhists, to sukhavati.

Besides the different sects of Buddhism,which are concerned with, and preach the convection in sukhavati,and give religious guidance to their followers about how to attain sukhavati,other religions such as Confucianism,Taoism,Christianity also regard all these as their main concerns. The difference between the other religions and Buddhism does not lie in whether or not they have a conviction in sukhavati,but rather in the different terms they employ to indicate the conviction in sukhavati,such as "the highest good","the ultimate reality of man","the clean level","paradise," etc.,and in the different ways by which they Religion is concerned with man,and religion is the religion of man. Sukhavati is the ultimate aspiration and expectation of man,which is presented by man through his religious activity. Therefore every religion is concerned with and preaches the conviction in sukhavati.

Religion is the religion of man,and is concerned with the ultimate aspiration and expectation of man. Philosophy is the philosophy of man,and is also concerned with the ultimate aspiration and expectation of man. Chinese philosophers like Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu,and Chuang tzu clearly reveal such indication. So do western philosophers like Plato,Aristotle,Kant and some of the contemporary existentialists. Concerned with the conviction in sukhavati as both philosophy and religion are,they are different in how to express their concern. The latter guides people to sukhavati through religious organizations, religious doctrines and religious ways of life. However,the former is more concerned with the philosophical and theoretical expression and affirmation of the conviction. As concerned with a religious belief and a religious life but lacking in a philosophical knowledge of what is the theoretical basis of his religious belief and religious life,he will not be able to differentiate true religion from false religion,which merely uses religion as a means for non-religious ends. As most of us will also agree,the belief that it is sufficient for man to be concerned with the explanation of the conviction or to regard the explanation itself as the end,and thus indulge in philosophical speculation will definitely confine the participation of such activity to a small sector,the so-called intelligentsia; consequently,common people cannot be involved. Therefore,as I notice,religion and philosophy have to cooperate and co-ordinate with each other to help teach people to live the kind of life that will lead to sukhavati.

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