

Pure Land Societies and the Pure Land Patriarchate in Tsung-hsiao's Le-pang wen-lei and the Pure Land Tradition of the Sung Period=宗曉《樂邦文類》與宋代淨土宗
著者 Getz, Daniel Aaron=高澤民
掲載誌 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
ページ172 - 173
出版者法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノートAlternative Title:Tsung-hsiao's Le-pang wen-lei and the Pure Land Trition of the Sung Period; 中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁106.
中英文提要; 英文論文提要:pp.172-173.
キーワードPure Land; Late Imperial China; Le-pang wen-lei; Tsung-hsiao; Getz, Daniel Aaron; 高澤民; 淨土; 中國帝制末期; 樂邦文類; 宗曉
抄録Western scholarship on Pure Land Buddhism in has until recently given scant attention to until recently given scant attention to developments during the Sung period (960-1279). For a number of reasons, the exegetical and doctrinal contributions of the T'ang period have heretofore attracted a disproportionate share of scholarly attention. This lopsided emphasis and the assumptions on which it is based have led in some cases to mistaken notions of Chinese Pure Land and furthermore have provided an inadequate basis for understanding the Pure Land tradition of Late Imperial China. Rectification of this imbalance will require both an acknowledgment that developments in the periods following the T'ang are worthy of study and a commitment to fully exploring the unique characteristics of Pure Land in these later periods. In particular,the achievements of the Sung period demand special attention since they formed the transitional bridge from the Pure Land of the T'ang to that which emerged in later dynasties.

An essential text for understanding Pure Land n the Sung is the Le-pang wen-lei (Anthology of the Blissful Country),a compendium produced in the year 1200 by the T'ien-t'ai monk Tsung-hsiao (1151-1214). Consisting of fourteen different genres of literature divided into five fascicles, this work is a rich trove of scriptural excerpts, epigraphs, poetry,and biographical materials on the Pure Land tradition up to Tsung-hsiao's time. Among the more than two hundred entries in this work,those from the Sung present a particularly indispensable array of sources for gaining insight into the nature of the Pure Land tradition in this period.

This paper will be concerned with identifying the dynamics and tensions of Sung Pure Land as revealed in the Le-pang wen-lei. On the one hand,a good number of entries in the compendium exhibit the T'ien-t'ai orientation of the compiler and serve to remind us that Pure Land up through the Sung,and even beyond,largely functioned not as an autonomous movement but as an exegetical and devotional tradition embedded within other forms of Buddhism,of which the T'ien-t'ai school was one of the most prominent. On the other hand,yet other excerpts within the same collection allow us to trace the emergence of Pure Land societies that came to dominate the Sung landscape and that has a tendency to shift the focal point of pure Land activity away from the monasteries and into the general populace. Through these societies, Pure Land began to be perceived as possessing a degree of autonomy,a fact that is reflected in Tsung-hsiao's creation of a separate Pure Land patriarchate. Despite its singular and consistent focus on Pure Land,however,the Le-pang wen-lei in its inclusiveness, far from presenting Pure Land as a monolithic entity,paradoxically reveals a tradition characterized by complexity and ambiguity.

The paper will particularly focus upon the creation of the patriarchate as an attempt to reassert the primacy of the monastic establishment; especially vis-a-vis the newly emergent white Lotus Sect.

研究中國淨土宗的西方學術界,一直到最近,仍然甚少注意宋代(960-1279)的發展. 由於某些原因,宋代在註釋和義理方面的貢獻,並未受到學術界應有的注意. 這種忽視及其背景因素,已導致人們對帝制中國末期的淨土宗的瞭解. 如果想矯正這種不平衡的現象,需要一方面承認唐代以後的發展值得研究,一方面全力探討後代淨土宗的特色. 尤其是,宋代的成就更需要特別注意,因這是唐代淨土宗到後代淨土宗的過度期.

天台僧人宗曉(1151-1214)於1200年所撰寫的《樂邦文類》便是瞭解宋代淨土宗的一部重要典籍. 本書分四卷十四篇,收集宗曉前有關淨土宗的經文,題銘,詩偈和傳記資料,內容豐富. 在兩百多則文選中,宋代作品尤其是認識宋代淨土宗不可或缺的素材.

本文將探討《樂邦文類》所透露出來的動力和緊張. 一方面,書中不少文選展示編者的天台傾向,提醒我們,宋代以前甚至以後的淨土宗,大體上並未以一個自主的運動來運作,而是依附於其他佛教宗派的注釋和信仰系統,其中以天台宗最為顯著. 另一方面,書中的其他文選,讓我們得以追溯淨土社團成宋代淨土宗活動主流的情形,其傾向是從寺院轉入一般民眾. 透過這些社團,淨土宗開始被認為具某種程度的自主性,這個事實反映在宗曉別立淨土祖師系譜之上.《樂邦文類》雖對淨土成立單篇特別討論,但因它仍然包含其他性質的文章,並未將淨土宗以獨立的宗派呈現,顯示淨土宗的複雜性和模糊性.

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