佛法教化論--探討般若經習應品之悲智教化=Transformation and Teaching through Compassion and Wisdom in the Mahaprajna Sutra |
著者 |
陳娟珠 (著)=Chen, Chuan-chu (au.)
掲載誌 |
國際佛教教育研討會(第9屆)=International Conference on Buddhist Education(9th)
出版年月日 | 1994.07.16-20 |
ページ | 9 |
出版者 | 華梵佛學研究所=Institute for Sino-Indian Buddhist |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 中英文提要=Chinese and English Abstracts; English Abstract:p.10 |
キーワード | 陳娟珠; Chen, Chuan-chu; 般若經; 佛教教育=Buddhist Education; 中國佛教=Chinese Buddhism |
抄録 | 中國文化以「人性」為本位,以「仁愛」為中心,此種以「仁愛」為中心的倫理思想和政治哲學,是中華民族的珍貴傳統. 而佛法之教化,慈為度生之本,智行兼運,與道相應. 佛教以「悲」與「智」之道,代表佛陀教化之本懷,引申悲情亦一代聖教之始末,唯「智」而能「悲」,亦唯「悲」而始能「智」. 悲,是慈護能與樂於他人,智,為淨盡虛融於宇宙. 教育,發於慈護之悲心,方能鍥而不捨,慈悲方便是佛陀教育之本懷. 而戒,定,慧是啟發內心之潛力,也是行為實踐光熱之源泉. 佛陀的一切教化都是從「如實智慧」和「無量慈悲」為出發點,並透過一切善巧方便的方法來度化眾生. 佛經中言佛陀教化之因性與究竟: 菩提心為因,大悲為根,方便為究竟 此乃佛陀施教思想的根本核心,與儒家「仁民愛物」之理想融通,而更超越深純. 現代教育趨勢,均有談到重視道德教育,群性的陶冶,注重全人的教育,由此更進一步培養內心充滿智慧之菩薩悲願精神,則更扶助青年達乎淨化心靈,將來可助利樂人群,安和福祉的社會事業. Based on a compassionate mind of protection and guidance,education could be continually carried out. In Buddhist teachings, compassion,mercy,and expedient means are adopted to achieve the Buddhist goal. Keeping precepts, contemplation,and wisdom are used for stimulating cultivator's potential strength in his inner mind. They are the fundamental source of actual practice. In Sakyamuni Buddha's virtuous wisdom and fruition,there are four immeasurable minds, i.e.,compassion,mercy,joy,and giving. These four minds are the essential part of Buddha's transformation and teaching,and they can be regarded as the extract of Buddha's teaching. When we adopt the Four Embracing Methods to promote human relations, we are propagating the essence of Buddha's teaching. The Four Embracing Methods are dana (giving),affectionate and edudial speech conduct profitable to others, and cooperation with and adaptation of oneself to others. The purpose of education lies manly in nurturing the students' personality,while Buddhist education lays emphasis on awakening the student's wisdom. (Tripitaka Master Hui Wan always warns students to awaken wisdom in their lives). The Buddhist educational method stresses transforming the student's personality and stimulating his life of wisdom. It is advisable for the faculty,which is responsible for Buddhist teaching to learn well the "Four fearless means" and "Four unobstructed wisdom" which were practised by Bodhisattvas in the past. These methods are good for stimulating the student's thoughts and will guide students into developing their potentialities. There are ten paramitas. They are almsgiving,keeping the precepts, patience under insult,vigorous progress, meditation and contemplation,prajna (wisdom),expedience,vow,power,and knowledge. All bodhisattvas perfected these paramitas according to their practices and vows. They are the most perfect dharma doors. They contain Buddhist ethical thoughts and can be cultivated by compassion and wisdom. Three purified deeds and three non-outflows (anasrava) can be perfected by cultivating these ten paramitas. It is the fundamental principle of Buddhist teaching. Buddhist teaching embraces both compassion and wisdom. If we practice them accordingly,we shall be able to establish a peaceful and harmonious society. |
ヒット数 | 557 |
作成日 | 2001.02.21
更新日期 | 2015.06.12 |

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