

Conduct and Scholarship:Equal Emphasis in Asian Humanities=論亞洲人文的學, 行並重
著者 Samtani, N. H. (著)=桑塔尼 (au.)
掲載誌 International Conference on Buddhist Education(9th)=國際佛教教育研討會(第9屆)
ページ77 - 78
出版者Institute for Sino-Indian Buddhist Studies=華梵佛學研究所
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノートChinese and English Abstracts=中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁75-76
キーワード桑塔尼; Samtani, N. H.
抄録The three pillars of Buddhism are morality,meditation and wisdom. Conduct of a person should be base on morality which basically consists of following five precepts, viz. abstinence from:(1) killing a living thins, (2) stealing,(3) speaking untruth, (4) sexual misconduct and (5) use of in toxicants. Further explained,the conduct includes right speech, right action and right livelihood. Thus an ideal Buddhist is one who follows the path of morality or good conduct. But simply virtuous conduct is not the fulfilment of life. Wisdom is necessary achieve the final goal of freedom from suffering i.e. nirvana.

For gaining wisdom,the Buddha prescribed the path of meditation. The Dhammapada (verse no.372) says that one who has not gained wisdom will not to be able to meditate and one who meditates and possesses wisdom is close to nirvana. Thus wisdom and meditation are interlinked. Also it is said in the same text one who is of faultless character and is endowed with morality and wisdom,that the person is like a / pure gold coin and is praised by devas (Dhammapada, verses 229-30).

Meditation or samadhi (lit. concentration) based on morality (sila) and wisdom (prajna) developed through meditation bring immense benefits which are of great. In the Sonadanda-Sutta of Pali text Dighanikaya is discussed the question as to who is an ideal "Brahmin". The word "Brahmin" is used here for a perfected man or an arhat for the word had come to signify a man of certain character and insight,not only a man of certain descents. And the Buddha lays emphasis on wisdom (or knowledge) and conduct (vijja / vidya-carana_) in the Sutta. The conduct includes not only morality but also development of meditation because morality needs strength from the right meditation (samma/samyak samadhi) and wisdom is purified by morality and meditation.

The love of material comforts in the present times and the restlessness and serve competition for economic advancement plus the degradation of learning just for making money are not going to elevate people socially and spiritually. Morality or virtuous conduct is the basic foundation on which Buddhist foundation is based.

When we talk of scholarship (Pali pandicca/ Skt. Panditya),I consider it a part of wisdom (Pali panna / Skt. Prajna). It is through wisdom that one understands things in proper perspective. A person has not gained wisdom but only follows the rules of moral restraint cannot reach perfection. Contrawise if one is only a scholar (pandita) but does not follow the precepts or moral code laid down by the Buddha, he will not fully liberated. Wisdom is also of three kinds based on learning,thinking and development of concentration (srutamayi,cintamayi and bhavanamayi prajna). All these constituents of wisdom are necessary for true knowledge. And this knowledge comes through Vispassana or insight which is achieved through meditation. The development of insight leads directly to the stages of purification culminating in underfiled liberation and enlightenment.

The Buddha is called the practitioner of what he expounds. After gaining sambodhi (enlightenment),the Buddha himself followed the path of practice (pratipatti) he had preached to his followers. The conduct and knowledge are never separated in the Buddhist way to life. A person without knowledge is like a blind man and when he is without conduct he is like a lame person. Therefore the path of virtuous conduct and wisdom is the path of perfection. But Buddhism lays emphasis on meditation also because it is a connecting link between the two and brings real happiness and peace in one's life.

Thus morality,meditation and knowledge (or wisdom) are pathways of progress, prosperity and spiritual advancement. This is basic trinity of the Buddha's teaching constitutes the middle path of Buddhism. This paper discusses conduct and scholarship / mainly in Buddhist perspective in the area of Asian Humanities.

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