

日蓮聖人の代受苦思想=The Idea of Daijuku(代受苦)of Saint Nichiren
著者 庵谷行亨 =Otani, Gyoko
掲載誌 東アジア仏教の諸問題:聖厳博士古稀記念論集= An Anthology of East Asian BUddhism:A Commemorative Volume in Honor of Ven.Sheng-yen on His 70th Birthday
ページ265-281, 219-220
出版者山喜房佛書林=Sankibo busshorin佛書林=Sankibo-Busshorin
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
ノートEnglish Abstract:p. 219-220.
キーワード慈悲; 菩薩道; 菩薩; 涅槃
抄録English Abstract
Saint Nichiren propagated the Lotus Sutra (『法華經』) so as to follow the intention of Sakyamuni Buddha and to embody the acts of compassion preached by Sakyamuni. In the sixteenth chapter named 'Tathagatayupramana' of the Lotus Sutra, Sakyamuni professed the vow from His compassion that He must make all living beings attain Buddhahood. Saint Nichiren received the vow of Sakyamuni as his own vow,and he struggled to propagate the main point of the compassion of Sakyamuni in spite of suffering from several persecutions.

The characteristic of the practice of compassion by Saint Nichiren is daijuku (代受苦) meaning 'the receiving of sufferings as a substitution for others'. The Kito-sho (『祈禱鈔』) mentions daijuku as the practice of vow of great bodhisattvas who are guard the ascetic realizing the Lotus Sutra. It shows the conviction that there must be profit in living a life of the ascetic realizing the Lotus Sutra. As regards the history of propagation of the Lotus Sutra, Saint Nichiren as a believer in the Lotus Sutra came to be deeply convinced himself of a living being with the great compassion of daijuku.

In the Kangyo Hachiman-sho (『諫曉八幡抄』) Saint Nichiren says that he became aware of hard facts of situation of hell because of unjust censures on true dharma (謗法墮獄),and he determined to be willing to sacrifice himself so as to resolve the problem. It shows the attitude of belief of Saint Nichiren who is ready to act as a substitute for people in the hell and to receive their sufferings.

Saint Nichiren read Nirvana Sutra (『涅槃經』) and convinced the great compassion of tathagata who considers his own suffering to be sufferings of all living beings, so that he understood the great compassion as the fundamental attitude of the Way of Bodhisattva in the Lotus Sutra (法華菩薩道). As Saint Nichiren thought that salvation of suffered people is a mission of Buddhist practitioner,he reflected on the realization on the ideal revealed in the Nirvana Sutra. And he declared sufferings of all living beings to be 'suffering of Nichiren only'. Then in his heart there seems to be his strong determination and deep emotion to walk by compassion followed in Sakyamuni's footsteps.

The Nirvana Sutra explains that the suffering (dukkha) of daijuku for Sakyamuni is 'different sufferings (異苦) of all living beings',while Saint Nichiren rewrites it 'the same sufferings (同苦) of all living beings'. It is presumed that 'different sufferings (異苦)' means 'various individual sufferings',and 'the same sufferings (同苦)' means 'common sufferings to people'. In other words, 'different sufferings' indicates each individual pain,and 'the same sufferings' indicates social problems. Saint Nichiren understood the sin of unjust censures on true dharma and the suffering of hellish situation because of it,which are common to people living in the age of degeneration (未法の世),as 'the same sufferings of all living beings.'

The lifework of Saint Nichiren was the materialization of the ideal of the establishment of Righteousness to secure the Peace of the Nation (立正安國) aiming at manifestation of the pure land of Buddha in this real world. To confront sufferings of hellish situations covering over the world in the age of degeneration and to put himself in the deep of sufferings were matters of course for Saint Nichiren as a practitioner of the compassion of Sakyamuni.
目次一. 題目信仰
二. 法華經の弘通
三. 慈悲の實踐
四. 代受苦
五. 免罪と滅罪


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