天台懺悔與戒定慧之關係=The Relationship between Confession and Sila, Samadhi, and Prajna:A Survey of Tien-tai Doctrine |
著者 |
陳英善 (著)=Cheng, Ying-shan (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2002.01.20 |
ページ | 17 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 --「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心. The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica. |
キーワード | 佛教與廿一世紀; Buddhism in 21st Century; 事戒; 理戒; 三諦; 法華三昧懺儀; 事懺; 理懺; Phenomenon Precepts; Noumenon Precepts; Threefold Truths; Rituals of Dharma Blossom Samadhi Confession; Phenomenon Confession; Noumenon Confession |
抄録 | 天台論述禪定,止觀之修證時,往往將「持戒清淨」視為前方便之首務. 而天台所述之戒已涉及定慧等問題;同樣地,與戒相關之懺悔內涵,亦與定慧有極密切之關係,非僅是傳統佛教戒律之問題而已. 換言之,天台賦予懺悔之涵義,是頗具深廣的,不僅凡夫做錯要懺悔,廣極九法界眾生亦須懺悔,甚至等覺菩薩亦須懺悔,因存有一分微細無明或與中道不相應故. 就此而論,唯佛一人具淨戒,餘皆污戒者,皆須懺悔之. 由此可知,天台所論之懺悔,已涉及戒定慧等問題,此為本論文探討之所在. 本論文主要從三方面來切入:首先,探討懺悔之對象,此涉及對戒之持犯問題,除事戒 (律儀戒),亦含涉理戒,理戒又可細分為空假中三品,由此顯示懺悔與戒定慧之關係. 其次,針對懺悔方法而論,探討懺悔與戒定慧之關係. 最後,藉懺悔清淨所證相來論述其戒定慧之關係. 由上述之探討可知,不論從戒之持犯或懺悔清淨所證相,天台躲所述之懺悔皆與戒定慧有極密切之關係,亦可說皆不離戒定慧.
When Tien-tai School describes meditation and the modification of concentration and insight meditations, it always considers "purity in observing precepts" as the first task of preliminary practice. However,the sila as described by Tien-tai School involves samadhi and prajna. Meanwhile,confession which has connection with sila is also closely related to samadhi and prajna, not only the traditional Buddhist sila and vinaya. In other words, the contents of the confession of the Tien-tai School are very profound. Not only do ordinary people have to confess their mistakes, but also the equal-enlightened bodhisattvas have to confess because even the slightest ignorance does not accord with the Middle Way. From this perspective,only the Buddha is pure in observing precepts. Others are impure in purity and should confess. Accordingly,the confession suggested by Tien-tai School involves sila, samadhi,and prajna. This is the issue this paper will investigate. This paper has three approaches:Firstly,the objects of confession,this involves the observing and the violation of precepts; besides phenomenon precepts, there is also noumenon precepts; the precepts can be also divided into three classifications:empty,unreal,and middle; accordingly,the relationship between confession and sila, samadhi,and prajna is shown. Secondly,the relationship between confession and sila, samadhi,and prajna is explored from the different kinds of confession. Lastly,the relationship between confession and sila, samadhi,and prajna is discussed from the perspective as manifested by the purification of confession. From the above-mentioned three approaches, the confession as described by Tien-tai School has very close relationship with sila, samadhi,and prajna, in other words, it is not separate from sila, samadhi,and prajna.
目次 | 一. 引子 二. 就懺悔對象而論 三. 就懺悔方法而論 四. 就懺悔清淨而論 五. 結語 |
ヒット数 | 1135 |
作成日 | 2002.02.13 |
更新日期 | 2015.08.11 |
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