

The Chattha Sangayana CD -- From Baskets to Internet=巴利藏光碟 CSCD--從籃子到網際網路
著者 Shih, Yu-fen (著)=施郁芬 (au.)
掲載誌 The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century=第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」
出版者中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.chibs.edu.tw/
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノートThe Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica. 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心.
キーワードBuddhism in 21st Century; 佛教與廿一世紀; 巴利藏光碟; 資訊科技; 佛法; 教育科技; Chattha Sangayana CD; Information Technology; Dharma; Educational Technology
抄録The advance of Information Technology (IT) has brought human being into the Information Age along with the entering of the 21st century. The amount of information,the way to store,to deliver,and to present information are increased and improved dramatically in recent years. The impact of IT is on all aspects of human life,religion is no exception.
Buddha's teaching was only memorized by human brains from the 1st to the 3rd Sangayana, then written on palm leaves after the 4th, carved on marble stones after the 5th, and now digitized and distributed on CD and Internet after the 6th, thus the name Chattha Sangayana CD (CSCD). Equipped with the power of technology,now we could access Buddha's teaching the way we want easily and quickly. On Internet it could be accessed anytime,anywhere,by anybody. But is this the only purpose of putting Buddha's teaching from three baskets to one CD and now on Internet? What more could we do to take the advantage of technology to spread and learn Buddha's teaching? What if Ananda or Buddha himself is on-line? It is said that the next step to take is to utilize technology to enhance the teaching / learning and spreading of Dhamma. After all,Buddha is an educator,the "knower of the worlds, a guide incomparable for the training of individuals, teacher of gods and men".
Flowing with the above-mentioned thoughts, this article consists of two parts. First is to review the CSCD and its web site published by Vipassana Research Institute (VRI) in India. Second is to discuss how IT could be used to facilitate the teaching and learning of Dhamma. For the first part,the author will (1) briefly review the background of the development of CSCD,(2) introduce the content and functions of the current version and it's web site,(3) report the usage of CSCD,difficulties encountered using Chinese Windows and solutions provided,and (4) the current status of development. For the second part,the author will (1) review how technology is used now -- with a few examples of relevant portals and web-based activities; (2) discuss the media characteristics of Internet and its impact on teaching and learning; (3) conclude with some reflections from the viewpoint of both an Educational Technologist and a traveler on the Path.

隨二十一世紀的來臨,資訊科技的進步已將人類帶入了資訊時代. 近年來,人類生活中的資訊,無論是在數量或儲存,傳播和呈現的方式上,均有大幅的增加和改進. 資訊科技對人類生活的影響可說是全面性的,而宗教層面亦不例外.
佛陀的教導在第一至第三次結集時,均藉記憶複誦的方式保存. 在第四次結集後,才書寫於貝葉,第五次後則刻於大理石. 而第六次結集後的成果,則已數位化並製做成光碟片,也因此稱為 CSCD -- Chattha Sangayana CD,目前並已出版在網路上. 藉助於科技之力,現在我們可以快速方便地檢索及利用三藏的內容. 而透過網際網路,更是可以讓任何人,在任何時間,任何地點都可以取閱三藏. 然而,這是把三藏從三個籃子放到一片光碟,再放上網路的唯一目的嗎? 還有什麼是我們可以進行,以發揮科技之效益而促進佛法的傳播與學習呢? 如果阿難長老,甚至佛陀本人也在網上呢? 或許藉助科技以促進佛法的教與學,可以作為下階段努力的方向. 畢竟佛陀是位教育家,是「世間解,調御士,天人師」.
依照上述的想法,本文分為兩個部分. 第一個部分介紹印度內觀研究所 (Vipassana Research Institute) 出版的巴利藏光碟 CSCD 及網站; 第二部分則探討如何利用科技以促進佛法的教學及傳播. 第一部分包括 (1) 簡介 CSCD 的發展背景; (2) 介紹第三版 CSCD 及網站的內容及功能; (3) 報告使用的實例及在中文視窗上的問題和解決方法; (4) 後續發展的現況. 第二部分則包括 (1)科技用於佛法的現況 -- 介紹相關入口網站及網化活動實例; (2) 探討網際網路的媒體特質及其在教學上的影響; (3) 以教育科技者及學佛行者的省思作為總結.
目次I. Chattha Sangayana CD (CSCD)
(I) Background 0 from Ananda to CSCD
(II) CSCD -- Past,Present,Future
1. CSCD ver. 1. 1 to ver. 3
2. Tipitaka Web Site
(III) Use of the Text
(IV) Future
II. Technology & Dhamma
(I) Examples of using Internet
1. Information Retrieval,Provision,and Usage
2. Connection and Communication
(II) Media Characteristics ;of Internet & Its Use for Learning Dhamma
III. Summary

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