

文字禪與宋代詩學=Wenzichan-Zen as Expressed in Written Language and the Poetics in Song Dynasty
著者 周裕鍇 (著)=Zhou, Yu-kai (au.)
出版者高等教育出版社=Higher Education Press
出版サイト http://www.hep.com.cn/
出版地中國 [China]
ノート叢書系列:高校文科博士文庫/ 中國古典文獻學專業
キーワード中國佛教史=Chinese Buddhist History
抄録北宋後期出現的 "文字禪" 和 "以文字為詩" 的現象,向來因具 "形式主義" 的嫌疑,而為學術界所普遍唾棄。本文考察大量禪宗、詩歌文獻,及禪僧與士大夫的活動史實後,認為:禪宗與詩歌的這次 "語言學轉向" ,體現了宋人對語言與存在關係的,更深刻的認識,是宋代文化全面繁榮的產物,而禪與詩在文字上的,相互滲透和深層對應,在文化史上尤具重要意義。本文用語言學、歷史學、文獻學、闡釋 學、宗教學等,多學科相結合的方法,深刻揭示出宋代禪學,和詩學的文化意蘊,論證具體而微,富哲學意味,學術觀點和研究方法,都很有創造性,提供了不少富於啟發的新思路。

通過對早期禪宗和 宋代禪宗語言觀的分析比較,揭示出禪宗由疏離語言,演化為信賴語言的,歷史必然性;並從文獻學角度探討了 "文字禪" 一詞,在宋代的用例和主要內涵。
討論了形成 "理一分殊" 轉學思潮,和 "出位之思" 文學觀念的禪學背景,及隨文學觀念的轉換,而產生的新文論話語,從文獻學角度考察了宋代18條詩學術語的禪學語源,並探討禪與詩 "悟入" 的共同性,即對文字形式中,抽象精神的追求。
從語言藝術分析入手,論述了 "文字禪" 對宋詩的語言風格,和表達技巧的種種影響,並認為這些影響,對宋詩立異于唐詩的創新,主要起了正面效應。

"Wenzichan-Zen as expressed in written language" and "poetry based on written language" in late Northern Song Dynasty have long been put off by critics due to their "formalistic" inclination. This dissertation, after examining materials related to Zen, poetic texts and Zen practitioners' and scholar-officials' activities, concludes that the linguistic turn" of Zen and poetry is an embodiment of a more profound understanding of relationship between language and existence accomplished by Song intellectuals. More over, it is an outcome of a thriving Song culture. The intercourse and metaphysical contrapuntal relations between Zen, poetry and written language are of great significance in history of cultural development.
There are four chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter compares the early Zen with Song dynasty's Zen language philosophy, depicting the historical development from alienation of language to dependence on language in Zen. At the same time, it examines various implementations and significance of "Wenzichan" in Song dynasty. The second chapter discusses reason and uniqueness of enjoyment in Zen among scholar-officials in Song dynasty. By examining relationship between poetic schools and Zen schools, it finds out different types of Zen indulging in Su Shi and Huang Tingjian. Against the background of late Northern Song's culture, Huang Tingjian's art of poetry and personality are seen as an outstanding example of the time. The third chapter works on Zen background of presentations with common principle and Andersstreben philosophy, including new literary theoretical discourses that appeared during the period. By analyzing the Zen source of 18 Song poetic discourses, it finds out a similarity of "enlightening into word" between Zen and poetry: an inclination toward spirituality in empirical linguistic forms.The fourth chapter is mainly concerned with art of language. It discusses the influences of "Wenzichan" in formal techniques and styles of Song poetry, concluding that these influences are positively responsible for Song poetry's new and different quality from Tang poetry.

※ Table of Contents
Chapter One The Evolution of Speech-Meaning Perspective of the Zen Sect--From Absence of Language to Dependence upon Language
1.The Religious Language Viewpoint of the Peasant Sect in Zen
2.The Academic Language Viewpoint of the Scholar-Officials in Zen
3.The Instances, Definitions and Categories of "Wenzichan-Zen as Expressed in Written Language"

Chapter Two The Hermeneutic Context of "Wenzichan”--The Inclination of Enjoyment in Zen among the Scholar-Officials in Song Dynasty
1. Respecting to Zen and Studying Buddhism and the Cultural Conformity
2.Approaches of Sect in Zen and the Poetic Schools in Song Dynasty
3.Illusion and Heartfelt Truth: Two Types of Enjoyment in Zen (Represented by Su Shi and Huang Tingjian )
4.Alliance of Poetics, Study of Zen and Rationalistic Confucian Study

Chapter Three Transformation of Discourse: "Wenzichan" and the Poetics in Song Dynasty
1.Fayan-Mental Discernment: Presentations with Common Principle and Andersstreben
2.The Etymological Zen in the Poetic Terms of the Song Dynasty
目次第一章 禪宗言意觀的演變:由不立文字到不離文字
第一節 神通並妙用,運水及搬柴:早期農禪宗教語言觀
第二節 以筆硯為佛事:宋代士大夫禪學術語言觀
第三節 "文字禪" 發微:用例、定義與範疇
第二章 "文字禪" 的闡釋學語境:宋代士大夫的禪悅傾向
第一節 參禪學佛與文化整合
第二節 禪門宗風與宋詩派別
第三節 夢幻與真如:蘇、黃代表的兩種禪悅類型
第四節 詩學、禪學與理學的結盟
第三章 話語的轉換: "文字禪" 與宋代詩論
第一節 法眼:理一分殊和出位之思
第二節 宋代詩學術語的禪學語源
第三節 悟入:文字形式中的抽象精神
第四章 語言藝術:禪語機鋒與詩歌句法
第一節 遊戲三昧:從宗教解脫到藝術創造
第二節 反常合道:曲喻與佯謬
第三節 繞路說禪:從禪的闡釋到詩的表達
第四節 翻案法:語言點化與意義翻轉
第五節 以俗為雅:禪籍俗語言對宋詩的啟示與滲透
第六節 理詣詞達:辯才三昧與禪悟機括
結 論

ISBN9787040073058 (平裝)

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