

The Jesus Sutras : Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity
著者 Palmer, Martin
ノート1st edition
キーワード佛教與基督教及天主教=Buddhism and Christianity and Catholicism;
抄録“The Jesus Sutras tells a valuable history of the beautiful teachings of a faith built on living practices of brotherhood and peace. The Sutras show us the interbeing nature of Jesus, Buddha, Tao, peoples, cultures, transformation, salvation and unity through deep and mindful living.” --Thich Nhat Hanh, author of LIVING BUDDHA, LIVING CHRIST
"In offering a tantalizing glimpse of a distant past when Christian, Taoist and Buddhist ideas achieved a brilliant fusion in China, *The Jesus Sutras*inspire hope for a future in which celebration of diversity may one day triumph over the sterile certainties of exclusivism." -- Stephen Batchelor, author of Buddhism Without Beliefs
"The Jesus Sutras vividly brings to life the partnership teachings of Jesus and their application in a surprising setting. Palmer’s account of Chinese communities that honored both women and men and lived equitably and nonviolently is a fascinating story and a stunning contribution to religious history. Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and The Blade, Sacred Pleasure, and Tomorrow’s Children
"The Jesus Sutras is a spellbinding story of the rediscovery of the earliest traces of Christianity in China and an imaginative reconstruction of the subsequent development of this alien faith from the Far West in the Middle Kingdom. Martin Palmer's infectious enthusiasm for his subject is evident throughout and enables him to illuminate numerous facets of the Religion of Light that were hitherto unknown to modern scholars. The result is not only the moving account of the author's personal quest to comprehend a phenomenally important but strangely mysterious stele inscription, it is also one of the most fascinating chapters ever written in the history of world religions. --Victor H. Mair, Professor of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Translator Tao Te Ching
“Martin Palmer has written a book in the great tradition of English scholars and explorers. He has put together the evidence of the presence of early Christianity, in the first millennium, in China. He has reread and retranslated the Jesus Sutras to present a view of Christianity that was independent of the accepted definitions in the West. He has found in this Christianity, in ancient China, a liberating and healing expression for the whole of the human spirit. Men and women of all the faith traditions will be moved by this book.” Arthur Hertzberg, Bronfman Visiting Professor of the Humanities, New York University

1. The Lost Monastery
2. Beginnings of the Church in China: The First Sutra
Missions from the West
The Early Jesus Sutras
The Story of Jesus
The First Sutra: The Sutra of the Teachings of the World-Honored One, Third Part
3. Panorama of the Early Christian World
The Political Geography
The Geography of the Mind
Unity and Division
4. The Church of the East
Caught between Two Empires
The Church of the East Goes Its Own Way
A Different Spirit
The Church in Persia
The Indo-Greek Cultures
Buddha and Apollo
Christianity Meets Buddhism
St. Thomas and the Church in India
The Teaching of Nonviolence
The Church in Tibet
5. The Multicultural World of Seventh-Century China
6. The Early Church in China
The Encounter with Buddhism: Karma and Reincarnation
The Second Sutra: The Sutra of Cause, Effect, and Salvation
The Third Sutra: The Sutra of Origins
Gathering Many Strands
The Fourth Sutra: The Sutra of Jesus Christ
7. The Fruits of the Church: The Great Liturgical Sutras
How the Church of the East in China Worshiped
Original Nature, Not Original Sin
The First Liturgical Sutra: Taking Refuge in the Trinity
A Great Chinese Saint and Scholar
The Second Liturgical Sutra: Let Us Praise
The Third Liturgical Sutra: The Sutra of Returning to Your Original Nature
The Fourth Liturgical Sutra: The Supreme
8. The Way of Light: The Stone's Teaching
The Taoist-Christian Creation
Original Nature
Guardians, Not Masters, of Creation
The Wheel of Suffering and Karma
The Incarnation
The Buddha Christ, the Jesus Bodhisattva
The Immortal
China's Bible
The Light as the Resurrection
The Daily Cycle of the Monks
The Story of the Church
Persecution and Recovery
The Stone Sutra
9. The Fate of the Church
Dissolution of the Monasteries
A Broken Church
The Goddess of the Silk Road
A Last Resurgence
ISBN0345434242 (hc)

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