密禪發展比較論=Tantric Buddhism and Chan Buddhism: a Comparison of Their Growth and Development |
著者 |
陳堅 (著)=Chen, Jian (au.)
掲載誌 |
Journal of Oriental Studies=東方文化
巻号 | v.35 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 1997 |
ページ | 58 - 70 |
出版者 | School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong=香港大學中文學院;Center for Chinese Language and Cultural Studies, Stanford University=美國史丹福大學中華語言文化研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 密教=Tantric Buddhism; 禪宗=Zen=Chan |
抄録 | 「密」是指印度秘密佛教(以下簡稱密教),而不是指中國佛教密宗。在印度,「佛法有兩種:一秘密,二顯示。」密教是相對於顯教(小乘佛教和大乘佛教)而言的;而密宗則是指唐朝開元年間所建立的密教宗派,它是相對於中國佛教的其他宗派(天台宗、禪宗等)而言的。 「禪」是指中國佛教禪宗(以下簡稱禪宗)。禪宗的指稱有廣義和狹義之分,廣義的禪宗以達摩為上限;狹義的禪宗以慧能為上限,本文的禪宗是廣義的,自達摩起算。 本文將以密禪的三次革命為背景,對密禪的發展過程作一描述,並對兩者的一些相應方面做些比較。從這些描述和比較中,我門可以發現佛教乃至宗教發展的一些共同性,筆者認為密教在印度的地位一如禪宗在中國的地位,密教和禪宗,作為一種解脫的手段都是方便法門。
The two varieties of Buddhism, Tantric Buddhism and Chan, flourished in entirely different cultural contexts but followed more or less the same pattern of development. By analyzing their history, this article argues that both Tantric Buddhism and Chan originated from Mahayana and had seen three stages of development. In the first stage, Tantric Buddhism and Chan took over the training of Dharami and Samadhi respectively and their systems of belief began to take shape. In the second stage, Tantric Buddhism and Chan were "naturalized" as they spread on foreign soils and were consequently further removed from their roots. Finally, in the third stage, Tantric Buddhism and Chan were both secularized, with a distinctive tendency towards "Non-Buddhism". The three stages of development transformed Buddhism into a much more accessible religion which to the initiated would bring salvation closer to mankind.
目次 | 一、標題解釋 二、一次革命,密禪形成 三、二次革命,密禪民族化 1.密教的印度化運動 2.禪宗的中國化運動 四、三次革命,密教世俗化或非佛教化 1.密教的世俗化 2.禪宗的世俗化
ISSN | 0022331X (P) |
ヒット数 | 610 |
作成日 | 2004.10.01 |
更新日期 | 2017.09.27 |

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