“六家七宗”新論=A Reexploration of the "Six Schools and Seven Sects |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
陝西師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences edition)
巻号 | v.31 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2002.01 |
ページ | 24 - 29 |
出版者 | 陝西師範大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 西安, 中國 [Xi'an, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 出處:中國期刊網-文史哲輯專欄目錄;作者單位:南京大學哲學系 |
キーワード | 六家七宗=Six Schools and Seven Sects; 吉藏=Jizang; 肇論=Zhao s Remarks; 僧肇=the Monk Zhao |
抄録 | 通過文獻解讀與學理分析可以發現 ,魏晉南北朝時期的“六家七宗”中只有被僧肇批評的“本無宗”、“即色宗”、“心無宗”三宗才屬於受玄學影響的早期般若學派 ,而“識含宗”、“幻化宗”、“緣會宗”三宗則屬於受小乘佛教思想影響的思想流派。
An interpretation of documents and theoretical analysis shows that, of the so called "Six Schools and Seven Sects" in the Kingdom of Wei, the Dynasty of Jin and the North South Dynasty, only the Dao an Sect, the Zhi Daoling Sect and the Zhi Mindu Sect, according to the Monk Zhao, belonged to the early schools of Mahayana under the influence of metaphysics. The other three sects, namely, the Gan Fakai Sect, the Daoyi Sect and the Yu Daosui Sect, however, were all Buddhist schools under the influence of Hin...
目次 | 一.“六家七宗”的學派歸屬問題 二.識含、幻化、緣會三宗思想梗概 三.《肇論》對本無、心無、即色三宗的批判 |
ISSN | 16724283 |
ヒット数 | 907 |
作成日 | 2005.03.11
更新日期 | 2011.03.17 |
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